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<dTitle type=main>Every Man in His Humour</dTitle>
<dAuthor>Ben Jonson</dAuthor></byLine>
<dImprint>Prepared from 1601 Quarto (STC 14766) by Hugh Craig,  D of English, U of Newcastle.  OTA  A-1437-A</dImprint>
<div1 Type='act' n=A1>
<div2 Type='scene' n=S1.1>
Now trust me, here is a goodly day toward. 
Musco, call up my son Lorenzo: bid him 
rise:  tell him, I have some businesse to imploy 
him in. 

I will, sir, presently. 

But heare you, sirrah; 
If he be at study, disturbe him not. 

Very good, sir. 

<stage type='exit'>Exit Musco.</stage>
<l>How happy would I estimate my selfe, 
<l>Could I (by any meane) retyre my son, 
<l>From one vayne course of study he affects? 
<l>He is a scholler (if a man may trust 
<l>The lib'rall voyce of double-toung'd report) 
<l>Of deare account, in all our Aca . . .