<Text id=HawFans>
<Author>Hawthorne, Nathaniel</Author>
<Edition>Novels. Library of America. New York: Literary Classics of the U.S., 1983</Edition>
<div0 type=chapter n=1>
<loc><locdoc>HawFans3</locdoc><milestone n=3>
<l> "Wilt thou go on with me?" -- SOUTHEY </l>
<l> Our court shall be a little academy. </l>
<l> <i>Shakspeare</i> </l>
<p>In an ancient, though not very populous settlement,
in a retired corner of one of the New-England States, arise
the walls of a seminary of learning, which, for the
convenience of a name, shall be entitled `Harley College.'
This institution, though the number of its years is
inconsiderable, compared with the hoar antiquity of its
European sisters, is not without some claims to reverence on
the score of age; for an almost countless multitude of
rivals, by many of which its reputation has been eclipsed,
have sprung up since its foundation. At no ti . . .