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U. H. (1)
U.T. (1)
Ubaldini, Petruccio, 1524?-1600? (9)
Udall, Ephraim, d. 1647. (5)
Udall, Ephraim, d. 1647. Sermon preached at the funerall of Mr. Shute. (1)
Udall, John, 1560?-1592, attributed name'. (1)
Udall, John, 1560?-1592. (10)
Udall, John, 1560?-1592. Demonstration of the trueth of that discipline which Christe hath prescribed in his worde for the government of his Church, in all times and places, untill the ende of the worlde. (1)
Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556 (2)
Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556, attributed name. (1)
Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556. (6)
Udall, O. (1)
Udall, Thomas. (2)
Udall, William. (1)
Udny, Alexander, minister of Hauking in Kent. (2)
Ufflet, John, b. 1603. (2)
Ullerston, Richard, d. 1423. (1)
Ullerston, Richard, d. 1423. Compendious olde treatyse, shewynge howe that we oughte to have ye scripture in Englysshe. (1)
Ulric, Saint, Bishop of Augsburg, 890-973. (1)
Ulrich, von Zatzikhoven, fl. ca. 1200 (1)
Umfrevile, William. (3)
Under-drawer at the --'s-Head-Tavern in -- Gate-Street. (1)
Underdown, Thomas. (3)
Underhill, Cave, 1634-1710? (1)
Underhill, John, d. 1672. (1)
Underhill, Thomas, attributed name. (1)
Underhill, Thomas. (1)
Underwood, John, fl. 1680. (1)
Underwood, Michael, 1736-1820. (1)
Underwood, Nathan, 1753-1841. Public worship considered and recommended. (1)
Underwood, Robert, fl. 1605. (2)
Unfeigned friend of piety and publique liberty. (1)
United Colonies of New England. Commissioners. (2)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. (4)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. (50)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. aut (3)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. Proceedings. 1613?-07-19. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. Treaties, etc. Netherlands. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Albert and Isabella), 1607. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. Treaties, etc. Netherlands. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Albert and Isabella), 1609 Apr. 14. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal. Treaties, etc. Netherlands. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Albert and Isabella), 1609 Apr. 9. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten General. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1667 July 31. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1668 Jan. 13. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1674 Dec. 1. (2)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1674 Feb. 19. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Treaties, etc. England and Wales, 1678 Mar. 3. (1)
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Treaties, etc. France, 1700 Mar. 25. (1)
United States Lottery. (1)
United States. (10)
United States. Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States. (1)
United States. Act to promote the progress of useful arts. (1)
United States. Army. Court of Enquiry (Harmar : 1791). (1)
United States. Articles of Confederation. (4)
United States. Central Intelligence Agency (2)
United States. Circuit Court (3rd Circuit). (4)
United States. Congress (1st, 1st session : 1789). (1)
United States. Congress (1st, 1st session : 1789). Senate. (1)
United States. Congress (1st, 2nd session : 1790). House. (1)
United States. Congress (1st, 3rd session : 1790-1791). House. (2)
United States. Congress (2nd, 1st session : 1791-1792). House. (4)