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Bacon, James, minister of Burgate, Suffolk. (1)
Bacon, John, 17th cent. (3)
Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660. (8)
Bacon, Nathaniel, 1593-1660. Historicall and political discourse of the laws & government of England. (1)
Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, 1509-1579. (1)
Bacon, Philip. (1)
Bacon, Robert, b. 1611 or 12. (2)
Bacon, Robert, M.A. (3)
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. (5)
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. De secretis operibus artis et naturae. English. aut (1)
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Radix mundi. English. (1)
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Speculum alchemiae. English. (2)
Bacon, William. (1)
Bacx, Andreas (1)
Badduley, William, b. 1597. (1)
Baden, Andrew, 1666-1699. (1)
Badger, John, fl. 1693. (4)
Badi' al-Zaman al-Hamadhani, 969-1008 (1)
Badiley, Richard, d. 1657. (2)
Badland, Tho. (Thomas) (1)
Baers, Johannes, d. 1653, attributed name. (1)
Baes, Martin, engraver. (5)
Bagaley, Humphrey. (1)
Bagnall, Robert, b. 1559 or 60. (1)
Bagot, Hervey, Sir, 1591-1660. (1)
Bagshaw, Christopher, d. 1625? (3)
Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671. (27)
Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671. Great question concerning things indifferent in religious worship briefly stated. (1)
Bagshaw, Edward, d. 1662. (12)
Bagshaw, Francis, b. 1653 or 4. (1)
Bagshaw, H. (Harrington) (1)
Bagshaw, Henry, 1632-1709. (4)
Bagshawe, William, 1628-1702. (4)
Bagwell, John. (1)
Bahia (Brazil : State). Secretaria das Minas e Energia. Diretoria de Distribuição. (1)
Baildon, Joshua. (1)
Bailey, Abraham, fl. 1667. (1)
Bailey, J. (John), 1750-1819. (1)
Bailey, John, 1644-1697. (4)
Bailey, John, 1644-1697. To my loving and dearly beloved Christian friends in and about Limerick. (1)
Bailey, Joseph. (1)
Bailey, William, of Stapleford Abbat, Essex. (1)
Baillet, Adrien, 1649-1706, attributed name. (1)
Baillet, Adrien, 1649-1706. (1)
Baillie, James, Master of Arts. (1)
Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662. (14)
Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662. Dissuasive from the errours of the time. (1)
Baillie, Robert, d. 1684. (4)
Bainbridge, John, 1582-1643. (1)
Bainbrigg, Thomas, 1636-1703. (2)
Bairdy, John. (1)
Baiteman, George. (3)
Bakehouse, Jo. aut (1)
Bakehouse, Tho. aut (1)
Baker, Aaron, b. 1651 or 2. (1)
Baker, Augustine, 1575-1641. (3)
Baker, Charles, cartographer. (1)
Baker, Colonel. (1)
Baker, Daniel, 1653 or 4-1723. (1)
Baker, Gardiner, d. 1798. (2)
Baker, George, 1540-1600. (3)
Baker, George, d. 1684. (1)
Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587. (4)
Baker, Jacob. (1)
Baker, John, Bookseller. (1)
Baker, John, minister. (1)
Baker, Joseph, 1779-1800? (2)
Baker, Mary. (1)
Baker, Richard, d. 1697. (3)
Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. (14)
Baker, Robert, Chirurgeon. (2)
Baker, Thomas, 1624 or 5-1690. (2)
Baker, Thomas, 1652 or 3-1702. (1)
Baker, Thomas, 1656-1740. (1)
Baker, Thomas, of the First-fruits office. (1)
Baker, Thomas, Rector of St. Mary the More. (1)
Baker, Thomas, Rector of St. Mary the More. Christs comming to judgement deciphered in a third sermon. (1)
Baker, Thomas, Rector of St. Mary the More. Gods provenance asserted in another sermon preached at St. Buttolphs, Aldergate, London. (1)
Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. (12)
Balbani, Niccolo, d. 1587. (1)
Balcanquhall, Walter, 1586?-1645. (4)
Balcanquhall, Walter, 1586?-1645. aut (1)
Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, Earl of, 1618-1659. (2)
Balch, Robert. (1)
Balch, Thomas, 1711-1774. (1)
Balch, William, 1704-1792. (1)
Baldwin, Abraham, 1754-1807. (1)
Baldwin, Ebenezer, 1745-1776. (1)
Baldwin, Moses, 1732-1813. (1)
Baldwin, Samuel, 1731-1784. (1)
Baldwin, Thomas, 1753-1825. (3)
Baldwin, William, ca. 1518-1563? (10)
Bale, John (2)
Bale, John, 1495-1563 (1)
Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed author. (1)
Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed name. (4)
Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed name. aut (1)
Bale, John, 1495-1563. (29)
Bale, John, 1495-1563. aut (1)
Bales, Peter, 1547-1610? (2)