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Percy, James, 1619-1690? (3)
Periwig, Nicholas. (1)
Perlunkett, Thomas. (1)
Perrinchief, Richard, 1623?-1673. (5)
Perron, W. (1)
Perry, John, 1670-1732. (1)
Perse, William, 1640 or 41-1707. (1)
Person in the countrey. (1)
Person of honour. (5)
Person of quality and of a publick spirit. (1)
Person of quality and true lover of his countrey. (1)
Person of quality concerned in this embassy. (1)
Person of quality in Edenburgh. (1)
Person of quality. (9)
Person of what quality you please. (1)
Person of Worth. (1)
Person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth. (1)
Person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth. aut (1)
Perthshire (Scotland). Justices of the Peace (1)
Peter Heylyn, 1600-1662. (1)
Peter I, Emperor of Russia, 1672-1725. (1)
Peterborough, Henry Mordaunt, Earl of, 1624?-1697. (2)
Peters, Hugh, 1598-1660, attributed name. (1)
Peters, Hugh, 1598-1660. (22)
Petitioner for peace and truth. (1)
Petre, William Petre, Baron, 1622-1684. (1)
Pett, Peter, Sir, 1630-1699. (1)
Petter, John, 1661 or 2-1700. (2)
Pettingall, Richard. (1)
Pettit, Edward. (1)
Pettus, John, Sir, 1613-1690. (2)
Petty, William, Sir, 1623-1687. (5)
Petty, William, Sir, 1623-1687. A treatise of naval philosophy. (1)
Petty, William, Sir, 1623-1687. England's guide to industry. (1)
Petyt, William, 1636-1707. (4)
Petyt, William, 1636-1707. Antient right of the Commons of England asserted. (1)
Peyton, Edward, Sir, 1588?-1657. (2)
Phelps, John, fl. 1636-1666. (1)
Philalathes. (1)
Philalethes, Anonymos. (1)
Philalethes, Hieron. (1)
Philalethes. (4)
Philanactodemus. (1)
Philanactos, Demophilus. (1)
Philanar and Misostratus. (1)
Philanax Anonomous. (1)
Philanax Misopapas. (1)
Philanax. (1)
Philanglus. (1)
Philanthropus. (1)
Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. (1)
Philip IV, King of Spain, 1605-1665. (3)
Philipot, John, 1589?-1645. (2)
Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682, attributed name. (1)
Philipot, Thomas, d. 1682. (2)
Philipps, Edward, 1630-1696?. (1)
Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690. (10)
Philips, John. (1)
Philips, Robert, d. 1650? (2)
Philips, Thomas, Sir. (1)
Philirenes, Junior. (1)
Phillippes, Henry, d. 1677? (1)
Phillips, George, d. 1662. (1)
Phillips, George, fl. 1597. (1)
Phillips, John, 1631-1706, attributed name. (1)
Phillips, John, 1631-1706. (7)
Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. (1)
Phillips, John. A brief account of the most memorable transactions in England, Scotland and Ireland, and forein parts, from the year 1662 to the year 1675. (1)
Philo Regis. (1)
Philo-kalo-basileos. (1)
Philocrates. (1)
Philodemius, Eleutherius. (1)
Philodikaios, Irenicus. (1)
Philoeusebias Misonebulonides. (1)
Philolaus, fl. 1681. (1)
Philomystes, Philotheus. (1)
Philonomus. (1)
Philopatris. (2)
Philopolites, P., Sir. (1)
Philoprotest. (1)
Philoroy, Philopater. (1)
Philpot, John, 1516-1555. (1)
Pickering, Robert, 17th cent. (1)
Pierrepont, Francis, d. 1659. (1)
Pierrepont, William, 1607?-1678. (2)
Pierson, David. (2)
Pierson, T. (1)
Pight, Richard. (1)
Pigot, John. (1)
Pilkington, Thomas, Sir, d. 1691. (2)
Pinck, Robert, 1573-1647. (1)
Pinckney, Charles, 1757-1824. (1)
Pindar, Martin. (1)
Pinnell, Henry. (3)
Pitt, Francis, 1578 or 9-1644. (1)
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778. (3)
Pittilloh, Robert, 1621?-1698. (2)
Plattes, Gabriel, fl. 1638-1640. (1)
Plaxton, George, 1647 or 8-1720. (1)
Player, Thomas, Sir, d. 1686. (2)