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Waller, Edmund, 1606-1687. (10)
Waller, Hardress, Sir, 1604?-1666? (3)
Waller, William, Sir, 1597?-1668. (6)
Waller, William, Sir, d. 1699. (1)
Wallis, Ralph, d. 1669. (1)
Walpole, Henry, 1558-1595. aut (1)
Walpole, Michael, 1570-1624?, attributed name. (1)
Walsingham, Edward, d. 1663. (2)
Walsingham, Francis, Sir, 1530?-1590. (2)
Walsingham, Francis, Sir, 1530?-1590. Letter to Monsieur Critoy. (1)
Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683. (1)
Walton, J., of the Parliamentary Army. (1)
Walwyn, William, 1600-1681, attributed name. (4)
Walwyn, William, 1600-1681. (17)
Wantner, Abel. (1)
Ward, Edward, 1667-1731, attributed name. (1)
Ward, Edward, 1667-1731. (1)
Ward, John, d. 1665. (1)
Ward, John, fl. 1642-1643. (3)
Ward, Mary, 17th cent. (1)
Ward, Nathaniel, 1578-1652. (4)
Ward, Nicholas, of Chard. (1)
Ward, Patience, Sir, 1629-1696. (3)
Ward, Richard, 1601 or 2-1684. (2)
Wardlace, James. (1)
Ware, Robert, d. 1696. (1)
Waring, Basill. Remarkable passages from Shrewsbury concerning the proceedings of his Majesties army at this present. (1)
Waring, Robert, 1614-1658. (2)
Warmstry, Thomas, 1610-1665. (6)
Warner, Eliz. (1)
Warner, John, Sir, d. 1648 attributed name. (1)
Warner, John, Sir, d. 1648. (3)
Warner, William, 1558?-1609. (3)
Warr, John. (1)
Warren, Albertus. (2)
Warren, Henry, d. 1652. (1)
Warren, William, Citizen of London. (1)
Warrington, Henry Booth, Earl of, 1652-1694. (6)
Warrington, Henry Booth, Earl of, 1652-1694. Selections. (1)
Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. aut (1)