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Williams, John, 1582-1650. (3)
Williams, John, Captain. (1)
Williams, Oliver, fl. 1657-1670, editor. (5)
Williams, Reeve, Capt. (1)
Williams, Richard, b. 1606 or 7. (1)
Williams, Roger c.1603-1683 (1)
Williams, Roger, 1604?-1683. (3)
Williams, William, b. 1613. (2)
Williams, William, Sir, 1634-1700. (3)
Williamson, Benjamin, 17th cent. (1)
Williamson, Joseph, Sir, 1633-1701. (1)
Williamson, R., fl. 1653. (1)
Williamson, Robert. (1)
Willian, Leonard. (1)
Willis, Humphrey. (2)
Willis, John, d. 1625. (1)
Willoughby de Broke, Richard Verney, Lord, 1621-1711. (1)
Willoughby de Eresby, Peregrine Bertie, Baron, 1555-1601. (1)
Willoughby of Parham, Francis Willoughby, Baron, 1613?-1666. (5)
Willoughby of Parham, Francis Willoughby, Baron, 1613?-1666. aut (1)
Wilson, Arthur, 1595-1652, attributed name. (1)
Wilson, Arthur, 1595-1652. (1)
Wilson, Edmund, of Abingdon. (1)
Wilson, H. (1)
Wilson, James, 1742-1798. (1)
Wilson, John, 1588-1667. (1)
Wilson, John, 1626-1696. (2)
Wilson, John, fl. 1647. (1)
Wilson, Timothy, 1642-1705. (1)
Wimbledon, Edward Cecil, Viscount, 1572-1638, attributed name. (1)
Winchester, John Paulet, Earl of, 1598-1675. (3)
Wincoll, Thomas, d. 1675. (1)
Windebank, Francis, Sir, 1582-1646. (1)
Windebank, Francis, Sir, 1582-1646. Secretary Windebancks letter to Sir A. Davison. (1)
Windebank, Francis, Sir, 1582-1646. Secretary Windebancks letter to Sir J. Ashley. (1)
Windham, Francis. (1)
Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668. (1)
Wingate, Captain. (1)
Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. (1)
Winstanley, Gerrard, b. 1609. (7)
Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698, attributed name. (1)
Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698. (3)
Winter, John, Sir, 1600?-1673? (1)
Winyard, Thomas. (1)
Wirley, Edward, 1617 or 18-1673. (1)
Wither, George, 1588-1667, (1)
Wither, George, 1588-1667, attributed name. (1)
Wither, George, 1588-1667. (47)
Wither, George, 1588-1667. Prophecy. (1)
Wither, George, 1588-1667. Vox Pacifica. (1)
Withers, Fabian. (1)
Witherspoon, John, 1723-1794. (1)
Wittewrong, John, Sir. (1)
Wollaston, John, Sir. (1)
Wolley, Edward, 1603-1684. (1)
Wolley, George. (1)
Wollrich, Humphry, 1633?-1707. (1)
Wolseley, William, 1640?-1697. (3)
Woman of quality, fl. 1689-1690. (2)
Womock, Laurence, 1612-1685. (4)
Wood, Adam. (1)
Wood, John, 17th cent. (1)
Wood, Thomas, 1661-1722. (2)
Wood, William, fl. 1623, attributed name. (1)
Woodcock, Francis, 1614?-1651. (1)
Woodward, Ezekias, 1590-1675. (5)
Woodward, Josiah, 1660-1712. (2)
Woorell, A. (1)
Worcester, Edward Somerset, Marquis of, 1601-1667. (3)
Worcester, Henry Somerset, Marquis of, 1577-1646. (3)
Worcester, Henry Somerset, Marquis of, 1577-1646. Selections. 1660. (1)
Worcester, Margaret Somerset, Countess of, d. 1681. (1)
Worshipful Company of Brewers. (1)
Worsley, Charles, 1622-1656. (1)
Worth-Rush, John. (1)
Worthington, Thomas, 1549-1627. (1)
Worthy captain. (1)
Worthy Gentleman in Sir Thomas Fairfax His Army. (3)
Worthy gentleman in that county. (1)
Worthy gentleman in Windsor. (1)
Worthy gentleman. (2)
Wortley, Francis, Sir, 1591-1652. (5)
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. (2)
Woutneel, Ioan, engraver. (1)
Wray, John, Sir, 1586-1655. (4)
Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723. (1)
Wright, James, 1643-1713. (1)
Wright, John Michael, ca. 1617-ca. 1694. (1)
Wright, Robert, 1560-1643. (1)
Wright, Thomas, gunner. (1)
Writer, Clement, fl. 1627-1658. (1)
Wroth, Thomas, Sir, 1584-1672. (2)
Wroth, William, Sir. (2)
Wyat, the cobler. (1)
Wyche, Peter, Sir, d. 1643. (1)
Wymesley, John. (1)
Wyndham, Anne. (1)
Wyndham, Edmond. (1)
Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711. (1)
Wyvill, Christopher, 1651?-1711. Chronologicall catalogue of such persons as ruled the neighbour-states, and were contemporary to the severall kings of England, since the coming in of the Conqueror. (1)