By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation[.] Having received the joyful news of the safe arrival of His Most Excellent Majesty, William the Third ... I have therefore thought fit ... to appoint Thursday the 22th of April next ensuing, a solemn day of thanksgiving ... Given at Fort William Henry the 25th day of March, in the ninth year of His Majesties reign annoq; Domin [sic] 1697.
dc.contributor | Text Creation Partnership, | | New York (State). Governor (1692-1698 : Fletcher). | | Fletcher, Benjamin, 1640-1703. |
dc.coverage.placeName | New York | | 2018-05-25 | | 2022-08-22T15:56:46Z | | 2022-08-22T15:56:46Z | | 1697 | | 2005-12 |
dc.identifier | ota:N00662 |
dc.identifier.uri | |
dc.description.abstract | Signed: Ben. Fletcher, God save the King. Royal arms at head of title. |
dc.format.extent | Approx. 3 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 2 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. |
dc.format.medium | Digital bitstream |
dc.format.mimetype | text/xml |
dc.language | English |
dc.language.iso | eng |
dc.publisher | University of Oxford |
dc.relation.ispartof | Evans-TCP |
dc.rights | This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Evans Early American Imprints Text Creation Partnership (Evans-TCP). This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. |
dc.rights.uri | |
dc.rights.label | PUB |
dc.subject.lcsh | England and Wales. -- Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III). |
dc.subject.lcsh | Great Britain -- History -- William and Mary, 1689-1702. |
dc.subject.lcsh | Broadsides. |
dc.subject.lcsh | Thanksgiving Day proclamations -- 1697 Apr. 22. |
dc.title | By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation[.] Having received the joyful news of the safe arrival of His Most Excellent Majesty, William the Third ... I have therefore thought fit ... to appoint Thursday the 22th of April next ensuing, a solemn day of thanksgiving ... Given at Fort William Henry the 25th day of March, in the ninth year of His Majesties reign annoq; Domin [sic] 1697. |
dc.type | Text |
has.files | yes |
branding | Oxford Text Archive |
files.size | 34327 |
files.count | 3 | | Evans 804 | | Wing F1317 | | 1600-1699 |
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