Ouranoskopia, or, The contemplation of the heavens, in a perpetual speculum, or general prognostication for ever wherein is succinctly demonstrated the names and natures of the signs, planets and aspects, terms of art, order of the spheres, the colours, magnitudes, motions, solid proportions and distances of the seven planets from the earth ... / by Iames Corss ...
dc.contributor | Text Creation Partnership, |
dc.contributor.author | Corss, James. |
dc.coverage.placeName | Edinburgh |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-06-30 |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-08-26T13:13:21Z |
dc.date.available | 2022-08-26T13:13:21Z |
dc.date.created | 1662 |
dc.date.issued | 2014-11 |
dc.identifier | ota:A34603 |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14106/A34603 |
dc.description.abstract | First word of title in Greek characters. "To the truely noble, most worthy and singular patronage of vertue, my honoured friend, Thomas Wood, the author, in testimony of his (endeared) affection, and gratitude for civilities received, humbly presents his Uranoscopia [signed] Iames Corss" -- opposite t.p. Running title: Uranoscopia. Imperfect: pages cropped, stained and tightly bound with print-showthrough and some loss of print. Reproduction of original in the British Library. |
dc.format.extent | Approx. 200 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 50 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. |
dc.format.medium | Digital bitstream |
dc.format.mimetype | text/xml |
dc.language | English |
dc.language.iso | eng |
dc.publisher | University of Oxford |
dc.relation.isformatof | https://data.historicaltexts.jisc.ac.uk/view?pubId=eebo-ocm12711348e |
dc.relation.ispartof | EEBO-TCP |
dc.rights | To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information. |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
dc.rights.label | PUB |
dc.subject.lcsh | Astronomy -- Early works to 1800. |
dc.subject.lcsh | Astrology -- Early works to 1800. |
dc.title | Ouranoskopia, or, The contemplation of the heavens, in a perpetual speculum, or general prognostication for ever wherein is succinctly demonstrated the names and natures of the signs, planets and aspects, terms of art, order of the spheres, the colours, magnitudes, motions, solid proportions and distances of the seven planets from the earth ... / by Iames Corss ... |
dc.type | Text |
has.files | yes |
branding | Oxford Text Archive |
files.size | 626857 |
files.count | 4 |
identifier.stc | Wing C6347 |
identifier.stc | ESTC R32521 |
otaterms.date.range | 1600-1699 |
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