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- Name
- 3184.epub
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- Version of the work for e-book readers in the EPUB format
- Name
- 3184.html
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- 112.9 KB
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- Version of the work for web browsers
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- 326.14 KB
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- Version of the work for e-book readers in the Mobipocket format
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- 3184.txt
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- 84.23 KB
- Format
- Text file
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- Version of the work in plain text with all tags and formatting information removed
A treatise of Schemes & Tropes very profytable for the better understanding of good authors, gathered out of the best Grammarians & Oratours by Rychard Sherry The Epystle. To the ryght worshypful Master Thomas Brooke Esquire, Rychard Shyrrey wysheth health euerlastynge. Doubt not but that the title of this treatise all straunge unto our Englyshe eares, wil cause some men at the fyrst syghte to maruayle what the matter of it should meane: yea, and peraduenture if they be rashe of iudgement, to cal it some newe fangle, and so casting it hastily from them, wil not once vouch safe to reade it: and if they do, yet perceiuynge nothing to be therin that pleaseth their phansy, wyl count it by a tryfle, & a tale of Robynhoode. But of thys sorte as I doubte not to fynde manye, so perhaps there wyll be other, whiche moued with the noueltye thereof, wyll thynke it worthye to be looked upon, and se what is contained therin. These words, Scheme and Trope , are not used in our Englishe tongue, neithe . . .
- Name
- 3184.xml
- Size
- 98.43 KB
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- Version of the work in the original source TEI XML file