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December, 1993  [Etext #92]

This etext was created by Judith Boss, Omaha, Nebraska, using:

The Calera Recognition Systems' M/600 Series Professional
OCR software and RISC accelerator board donated by Calera;
on an IBM-compatible 486/50, with a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet
IIc flatbed scanner.

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
by Edgar Rice Burroughs


CHAPTER                                             PAGE
   1  Belgian and Arab
   2  On the Road to Opar
   3  The Call of the Jungle
   4  Prophecy and Fulfillment
   5  The Altar of the Flaming God
   6  The Arab Raid
   7  The Jewel-Room of Opar
   8  The Escape from Opar
   9  The Theft of the Jewels
  10  Achmet Zek Sees the Jewels
  11  Tarzan Becomes a Beast Again
  12  La Seeks Vengeance
  13  Condemned to Torture and Death
  14  A Priestess But Yet a Woman
  15  The Flight of Werper
  16  Tarzan Again Leads the Mangani
  17  The Deadly Peril of Jane Clayton
  18  The . . .