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The following explanations are of importance if you intend to analyze the 
data supplied on this disk by means of the menu-oriented full-text 
processing component which is provided within the DBMS "kleio". 
Prerequisites of interactive full-text processing as described here are 
an existent data base named "roland" and a repertory called "reprol" 
(the latter having been created by the corresponding command in the file 
"roland.rep", which can also be found on this disk): 

1. Whenever the interactive modules of "kleio" are activated by the 
   command "inspectio", a standard specification for the display as well as
   the search context (i.e. for the extent of the passages within which 
   words searched for are displayed and combinations of words are searched 
   for) is automatically assumed by the system. At best, this standard 
   specification allows for twenty words, one sentence, one element or one 
   multiple entry --- with only the smallest of these units being actually . . .
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lege nomen=roland;continuatio=nulla
biblio$Konrad der Pfaffe,/Das Rolandslied,/hrsg. von Carl 
Wesle,//Bonn/1928#(Rheinische Beitr�ge und H�lfsb�cher zur germanischen 
Philologie und Volkskunde, Bd. 15)
$0001/{\bf S}chephare allir dinge,
$0002/cheiser allir chu^oninge,
$0003/wol du oberister ewart,
$0004/lere mich selbe diniu wort;
$0005/du^o sende mir zemunde
$0006/din heilege urkunde,
$0007/daz ich die luge uirmide,
$0008/die warheit scribe
$0009/uon eineme turlichem man,
$0010/wie er daz gotes riche gewan:
$0011/daz ist Karl der cheiser.
$0012/uor gote ist er,
$0013/want er mit gote u^ober want
$0014/uil manige heideniske lant,
$0015/da er die cristin hat mit geret,
$0016/alse uns daz bu^och leret.
$0017/{\bf K}arl der was Pipines sun;
$0018/michel ere unde frum
$0019/hat der herre gewunnin,
$0020/die grimmigen heiden bedwungin,
$0021/daz si erkanten daz ware liecht:
$0022/sine wessen e nicht
$0023/wer ir schephere was.
$0024/ie baz unt baz
$0025/steic der herre zetugente
$0 . . .
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lege nomen=roland;continuatio=nulla
biblio$Konrad der Pfaffe,/Das Rolandslied,/hrsg. von Carl 
Wesle,//Bonn/1928#(Rheinische Beitr\"age und H\"ulfsb\"ucher zur germanischen 
Philologie und Volkskunde, Bd. 15)
$0001/{\bf S}chephare allir dinge,
$0002/cheiser allir chu^oninge,
$0003/wol du oberister ewart,
$0004/lere mich selbe diniu wort;
$0005/du^o sende mir zemunde
$0006/din heilege urkunde,
$0007/daz ich die luge uirmide,
$0008/die warheit scribe
$0009/uon eineme turlichem man,
$0010/wie er daz gotes riche gewan:
$0011/daz ist Karl der cheiser.
$0012/uor gote ist er,
$0013/want er mit gote u^ober want
$0014/uil manige heideniske lant,
$0015/da er die cristin hat mit geret,
$0016/alse uns daz bu^och leret.
$0017/{\bf K}arl der was Pipines sun;
$0018/michel ere unde frum
$0019/hat der herre gewunnin,
$0020/die grimmigen heiden bedwungin,
$0021/daz si erkanten daz ware liecht:
$0022/sine wessen e nicht
$0023/wer ir schephere was.
$0024/ie baz unt baz
$0025/steic der herre zetuge . . .