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- Name
- tatian-1727.txt
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- 595.87 KB
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- 1 - Tatian (Lateinisch-Althochdeutsch) This document was created with Microsof Word 5. 0 (but it can be opened with the former version of the program -MSWord 4.0). The text was written with the font Palatino (included in the standard System diskettes of your Mac), so the diacritical signs (�, & and y$) will only appear when using this font. The text has been arranged using the utility Tables, so that the LATIN and ALT HOCH DEUTSCH version of the Gospels can be consulted as easily as possible.Remember that moving from one column to the other is possible using the mouse as well as with the tab key. Prologus L. 1, 1. Quoniam quidem multi conati sunt ordinare narrationem quae in nobis completae sunt rerum, 1. Bithiu uuanta manage zilotun ordinon saga thio in žns gifulta sint rahhono, 2. Sicut tradiderunt nobis qui ab initio ipsi viderant et ministri fuerunt sermonis, 2. Sù žns saltun thie thar fon anaginne selbon gisahun in . . .
- Name
- tatrtf-1727.txt
- Size
- 800.12 KB
- Format
- Text file
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- Version of the work in plain text format
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