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Pamphilia, to Amphilanthus: A Sonnet Sequence

            from the Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania  [1621]

                            By Lady Mary Wroth

       Transcribed, with an introduction, notes, and bibliography,

                             by  Richard Bear

                           University of Oregon

                             December,  1992

            [By permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library]


A note on this etext edition

The text for this etext edition was transcribed by Richard Bear and
proofread by Richard Bear and Micah Bear, and follows that of the printed
Mariott and Grismand text of 1621, as found in the copy in the collection
of the Folger Shakespeare Library. The editor wishes to thank the Folger
Library for permission to use the text of their copy, and also thanks
Professor Casey Charles for valuable suggestions concerning the
   Italic . . .