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<Text id=OwlC>
<Title>The Owl and the Nightingale</Title>
<Edition>Cotton (Caligula); Text drawn from J. W. H. Atkins 1922 edition, NY:  Russell and Russell.  Also included in Atkins' edition is the MS. Jes. Coll. (J), offered as OwlJ.  Pagination refers to folio, recto/verso, and column.</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>OwlC233r.1. </locdoc>
<div0 n=233r.1>
<l>ICH was in one sumere dale,</l>
<l>in one su&t;e di&y;ele hale,</l>
<l>iherde ich holde grete tale</l>
<l>an hule and one ni&y;tingale.</l>
<l n=5>&T;at plait was stif &amp; starc &amp; strong,</l>
<l>sum wile softe &amp; lud among;</l>
<l>an ai&t;er a&y;en o&t;er sval,</l>
<l>&amp; let &t;at [vue]le mod ut al.</l>
<l>&amp; ei&t;er seide of o&t;eres custe</l>
<l n=10>&t;at alre-worste &t;at hi wuste:</l>
<l>&amp; hure &amp; hure of o&t;ere[s] songe</l>
<l>hi holde plaiding su&t;e stronge.</l>
<l>   &T;e ni&y;tingale bigon &t;e speche,</l>
<l>in one hurne of one breche,</l>
<l n=15>&amp; sat up one vaire bo&y; . . .
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<Text id=OwlJ>
<Title>The Owl and the Nightingale</Title>
<Edition>MS. Jes. Coll. (J.); Text drawn from J. W. H. Atkins 1922 edition, NY:  Russell and Russell.  Also included in Atkins' edition is the Cotton (Caligula), offered as OwlC.  Pagination refers to folio, recto/verso, and column.</Edition>
<l>Incipit altercacio inter filomenam et Bubonem</l>
<loc><locdoc>OwlJ229r.1.</locdoc><div0 n=229r.1>
<l>ICH wes in one sumere dale</l>
<l>In one swi&t;e dyele hale</l>
<l>Iherde ich holde grete tale</l>
<l>An vle and one nyhtegale.</l>
<l n=5>&T;at playd wes stif &amp; starc &amp; strong</l>
<l>Sum hwile softe &amp; lud among;</l>
<l>And ey&t;er ayeyn o&t;er swal,</l>
<l>And let &t;at vuele mod vt al.</l>
<l>And ey&t;er seyde of o&t;res custe</l>
<l n=10>&T;at alre-w[u]rste &t;at hi ywuste:</l>
<l>&amp; hure &amp; hure of o&t;res songe</l>
<l>Hi holde playding swi&t;e stronge.</l>
<l>   &T;e Nihtegale bigon &t;o speke</l>
<l>In one hurne of one beche,</l>
<l n . . .