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<Text id=MarPasS>
<Author>Marlowe, Christopher</Author>
<Title>Passionate Sheperd to his Love</Title>
<Edition>The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe.  Fredson Bowers, ed. Cambridge: The University Press, 1973</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>Marpass   </locdoc>
<div1 type=stanza>
<l>Come live with me, and be my love,</l>
<l>And we will all the pleasures prove,</l>
<l>That valleys, groves, hills and fields,</l>
<l>Woods, or steepy mountain yields.</l>
<div1 type=stanza>
<l>And we will sit upon the rocks,</l>
<l>Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks</l>
<l>By shallow rivers, to whose falls</l>
<l>Melodious birds sing madrigals.</l>
<div1 type=stanza>
<l>And i will make thee beds of roses</l>
<l>And a thousand fragrant posies,</l>
<l>A cap of flowers, and a kirtle,</l>
<l>Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle.</l>
<div1 type=stanza>
<l>A gown made of the finest wool,</l>
<l>Which from our pretty lambs we pull,</l>
<l>Fair lined slippers f . . .