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<Text id=MarOvid>
<Author>Marlowe, Christopher</Author>
<Title>All Ovid's Elegies, 3 Books</Title>
<Edition>The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe.  Fredson Bowers, ed.  Cambridge: The University Press, 1973</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>MarOvi1.1</locdoc><div0 type=book n=1><div1 type=elegy n=1.1>
<l>         poetae ovidii nasonis amorum,</l>
<l>                    liber primus.</l>

<l>     quemadmodum a cupidine pro bellis</l>
<l>        amores scribere coactus sit.</l>
<l>We which were ovid's five books now are three,</l>
<l>For these before the rest preferreth he.</l>
<l>If reading five thou 'plain'st of tediousness,</l>
<l>Two ta'en away, thy labor will be less.</l>
<l>With muse prepared i meant to sing of arms,</l>
<l>Choosing a subject fit for fierce alarms.</l>
<l>Both verses were alike till love (men say)</l>
<l>Began to smile and took one foot away.</l>
<l>Rash boy, who gave thee power to change a line?</l>
<l>We are the muses' prophets, none of thi . . .