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<Text id=JamEssL>
<Author>James, Henry</Author>
<Title>Essays on Literature</Title>
<Edition>Literary Criticism.  Library of America.  New York: Literary Classics of the U.S., 1984</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>JamEssL5</locdoc><milestone n=5> 
<div0 type=chapter n=1> 
<p>               <i>The Works of Epictetus</i> (1) 
<p> <i>The Works of Epictetus.  Consisting of his Discourses, in Four 
Books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments.</i>  A Translation from the Greek, 
based upon that of Elizabeth Carter.  By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 
Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1865. 
<p>The present edition of Epictetus, as the title-page affirms, 
rests upon Mrs. Carter's translation, which was published in a clumsy 
quarto in 1758.  On comparing the two versions, we find that the 
modifications made by the present editor bear chiefly upon the undue 
quaintness, directness, and familiarity of Mrs. Carter's style.  They 
were undertaken, he intimates, with the hope o . . .