<Text id=JamEnWr>
<Author>James, Henry</Author>
<Title>English Writers</Title>
<Edition>Literary Criticism. Library of America. New York: Literary Classics of the U.S., 1984</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>JamEnWr711</locdoc><milestone n=711>
<div0 type=chapter n=1>
<p> <i>Matthew Arnold</i> (1)
<p> <i>Essays in Criticism</i>. By Matthew Arnold, Professor of Poetry
in the University of Oxford. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865.
<p>Mr. Arnold's Essays in Criticism come to American readers with
a reputation already made, -- the reputation of a charming style, a
great deal of excellent feeling, and an almost equal amount of
questionable reasoning. It is for us either to confirm the verdict
passed in the author's own country, or to judge his work afresh. It is
often the fortune of English writers to find mitigation of sentence in
the United States.
<p>The Essays contained in this volume are on purely literary
subjects; which is . . .