<Text id=DanMuso>
<Author>Daniel, Samuel</Author>
<Edition>Poems and A Defence of Ryme. Arthur Colby Sprague, ed. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1965</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>DanMuso67</locdoc><milestone n=67>
<l> To the right worthie and judicious</l>
<l> <i>favourer of vertue, maister</i></l>
<l> Fulke Grevill.</l>
<l><i>I Do not here upon this hum`rous Stage,</l>
<l>Bring my transformed verse apparailed</l>
<l>With others passions, or with others rage;</l>
<l>With loves, with wounds, with factions furnished:</l>
<l> But here present thee, onelie modelled</l>
<l>In this poore frame, the forme of mine owne heart:</l>
<l n=10>Here to revive my selfe my Muse is lead </l>
<l>With motions of her owne, t`act her owne part</l>
<l> Striving to make, her now contemned arte</l>
<l>As faire t`her selfe as possible she can;</l>
<l>Least seeming of no force, of no desart</l>
<l>She might repent the c . . .