<Text id=DanDeli>
<Author>Daniel, Samuel</Author>
<Edition>Poems and A Defence of Ryme. Arthur Colby Sprague, ed. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1965</Edition>
<loc><locdoc>DanDeli9</locdoc><milestone n=9>
<p><i>Right honorable, although I rather desired to keep in
the private passions of my youth, from the multi-
tude, as things utterd to my selfe, and consecrated to
silence: yet seeing I was betraide by the indiscretion of a
greedie Printer, and had some of my secrets bewraide to
the world, uncorrected: doubting the like of the rest, I am
forced to publish that which I never ment. But this
wrong was not onely doone to mee, but to him whose un-
matchable lines have indured the like misfortune; Ignor-
ance sparing not to commit sacriledge upon so holy
Reliques. Yet Astrophel, flying with the wings of his
own fame, a higher, pitch then the gross-sighted can dis-
cerne, hath registred his owne name . . .