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001:01,005[E  ]| You are wel-come to$4$ your Country (deere Antonio)
001:01,005[E  ]| You have been long in$4$ France, and you returne
001:01,005[E  ]| A very formall French-man, in$4$ your habit.
001:01,005[E  ]| How do you like$1$ the French Court?
001:01,005[D  ]| I admire it$6@2$,
001:01,005[D  ]| In$4$ seeking to$9$ reduce both State, and People
001:01,005[D  ]| To$4$ a fix'd Order, their iuditious King
001:01,005[D  ]| Begins at home:  Quits first his Royall Pallace
001:01,005[D  ]| Of flattring Sicophants of dissolute,
001:01,005[D  ]| And infamous persons which$6@1$ he sweetely termes
001:01,005[D  ]| His Masters Master-peece (the worke of Heauen)
001:01,005[D  ]| Considring duely, that$3$ a Princes Court
001:01,005[D  ]| Is like$4$ a common Fountaine, whence should flow,
001:01,005[D  ]| Pure siluer-droppes ingenerall:  But if it$6@1$ chance
001:01,005[D  ]| Some curs'd example poyson it$6@2$ neere the head,
001:01,005[D  ]| Death, and diseases through the whole land spread.
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