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001:01;001['  ]| Enter Kent, Gloster, and Bastard.
001:01;001[F P]| I thought the King had more affected the Duke of Albany
001:01;001[F  ]| then Cornwell.
001:01;001[G P]| It$6@1$ did allwaies seeme so$5@2$ to$4$ us$6@1$, but now in$4$ the
001:01;001[G P]| diuision of the kingdomes, it$6@1$ appeares not which$6@1$ of
001:01;001[G P]| the Dukes he values most, for$3$ equalities are so$5@1$ weighed, that$3$ curiositie
001:01;001[G  ]| in$4$ neither, can make choise of eithers moytie.
001:01;001[F  ]| Is not this your son my Lord?
001:01;001[G P]| His breeding sir hath beene at my charge, I have so$5@1$ often
001:01;001[G  ]| blusht to$9$ acknowledge him, that$3$ now I am braz'd to$4$ it$6@2$.
001:01;001[F  ]| I cannot conceiue you.
001:01;001[G P]| Sir, this young fellowes mother Could, wherupon she
001:01;001[G P]| grew round wombed, and had indeed Sir a son for$4$ her$2$ cradle,
001:01;001[G  ]| ere she had a husband for$4$ her$2$ bed, do you smell a fault?
001:01;001[F P]| I cannot w . . .