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- bodyands1398.txt
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> <?Title: The Dispute of the Body and the Soul>> <Author: Anonymous>> <<Date: Second half of the 13th century>> <<This document contains a Transcription and Edition of six MSS: Auchinleck, ff. 31vB-35rA (A); Digby 102, ff. 136r-139v (D); English Poet. A.1 (Vernon), ff. 286rC-287rB (V); Laud 108, ff. 200v-203v.(L); Royal 18 AX. f. 61v-66v (R); Additional 22283 (Simeon), f. 80vA-C (S); by S.G. Fernandez-Corugedo, Department of English Studies, University of Oviedo, Spain. Telephone: 34-8-5216135 ext. 149 - 198 -137 / Telefax: 34-8-5228642 / E-Mail: (EARN) EOVUOV11 CMSFL1>> <<The remaining text: MS Additional 37787, ff. 34r-45v (Ad), will be appended by the end of 1991. Meanwhile, see N.S. Baugh (1956): A Worcestershire Miscellany compiled by John Northwood. Philadelphia. (Privately printed)>> <<Main editorial procedures: a) contractions have been expanded. b) lines are edited according to modern procedures in stanzas. c) editorial additions appear between square brackets. d) Thor . . .
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- index1398.txt
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4/8/92-10:19-SGFC SIGLO XI 1.- Durham* 2.- Edward's Death* Ed. Earle & Plummer 3.- Anglosaxon Chronicle 1066 (Laud, Parker, Tiberius) Ed. Earle & Plummer 4.- Anglosaxon Chronicle 1086 Ed. Earle & Plummer 5.- Anglosaxon Chronicle 1100 Ed. Earle & Plummer SIGLO XII 1.- Chronicle 1111-1113 Ed. Earle & Plummer 2.- Chronicle 1125 Ed. Earle & Plummer 3.- Chronicle 1137 Ed. Earle & Plummer- Mossä 4.- Chronicle 1154 Ed. Earle & Plummer 5.- Worcester Fragment MS. Worcester Cathedral Library 174: f. 63r-64r. Ed. Hall, J. (1920) 6.- Poema Morale Lambeth MS 487, f. 59v-65r: 1-270; (B.L. MS Egerton 613, f. 69r-70v; f. 12v: 271- 370, 371-396); (Trinity College Cambridge MS B.14. 52, f. 1r-8v: 1-400); Ed. Moss (1979), Hall (1920) 7.- Ancrene Wisse 8.- Ancrene Riwle 9.- Sawles Warde* 10.- Lawman's Brut 11.- Owl & Nightingale* 12.- Orrmulum 13.- Godric's Hymns* 14.- Proverbs of Alfred* 15.- Charter of Henry II* SIGLO XIII 1.- Proclamation of H.III* 2.- Chronicle of R. de Gloucester . . .
- Name
- oviedo1398.txt
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THRUSH & NIGHTINGALE Bodleian MS Digby 86 Ed. Dickins & Wilson; Carleton Brown THE THRUSH AND THE NIGHTINGALE Ci comence le cuntent parentre le Mauuis & la russinole Somer is comen wi� loue to toune, Wi� blostme, and wi� brides roune �e note of hasel springe�, �e dewes darkne� in �e dale: For longing of �e ni�ttegale, �is foweles murie singe�. Hic herde a strif bitweies two; �at on of wele, �at o�er of wo; Bitwene two i-fere. �at on here� wimmen �at hoe be� hende, �at o�er hem wole wi� mi�te shende, �at strif �e mowen i-here. �e ni�tingale is on bi nome �at wol shilden hem from shome, Of ska�e hoe wole hem skere; �e �restelcok hem kepe� ay, He sei� bi ni�te and eke bi day, �at hy be� fendes i-fere. For hy biswike� euchan mon �at mest bileue� hem ouppon, �ey hy ben milde of chere, Hoe be� fikele and fals to fonde, Hoe werche� wo in euchan londe; Hit were betere �at hy nere. "Hit is shome to blame leuedy, For hy be� hende of corteisy; Ich rede �at �ou lete. Ne wes neuere bruc . . .