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- Name
- vol-i-1388.txt
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- 153.35 KB
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T H E L I F E A N D O P I N I O N S O F TRISTRAM SHANDY, G<4ENTLEMAN>4. <9Tarassei t@`@w@ts 'An@hr@'wp@w@ts @.@w t@`aPr@'agma@ta, alla t@`a peri t@~wn Pragm@'a@twn, Dogma@ta.>9 V O L. I. 1760. |||||||||| THE LIFE and OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY, Gent. ______________________________________ C H A P. I. <5I>5 Wish either my father or my mother, or indeed both of them, as they were in duty both equally bound to it, had minded what they were about when they begot me; had they duly consider'd how much depended upon what they were then doing; -1- that not only the production of a rational Being was con- cern'd in it, but that possibly the happy formation and temperature of his body, V<4OL>4. I. A per- |||||||||| [ 2 ] perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind ; -1- and, for aught the . . .

- Name
- vol-ii-1388.txt
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- 155.27 KB
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T H E L I F E A N D O P I N I O N S O F TRISTRAM SHANDY, G<4ENTLEMAN>4. <9Tarassei t@`w@ts 'Anhr@'wpw@ts @.w t@`aPr@'agmata, alla t@`a peri t@~wn Pragm@'atwn, Dogmata.>9 V O L. II. 1760. |||||||||| THE LIFE and OPINIONS O F TRISTRAM SHANDY, Gent. C H A P. I. <5I>5 Have begun a new book, on purpose that I might have room enough to explain the nature of the perplexities in which my uncle <2Toby>2 was involved, from the many discourses and interroga- tions about the siege of <2Namur>2, where he received his wound. I must remind the reader, in case he has read the history of King <2William>2's V<4OL>4. II. A wars, |||||||||| [ 2 ] wars,-1-but if he has not,--I then inform him that one of the most memorable at- tacks in that siege, was that which was made by the <2English>2 and <2Dutch>2 upon the point of the advanced counterscarp, be . . .

- Name
- vol-iii-1388.txt
- Size
- 159.88 KB
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T H E L I F E A N D O P I N I O N S O F TRISTRAM SHANDY, G<4entleman>4. Multitudinis imperit@ae non formido judicia ; meis tamen, rogo, parcant opusculis -2- in quibus fuit propositi semper, a jocis ad seria, a seriis vicissim ad jocos transire. J<4OAN>4. S<4ARESBERIENSIS>4, <2Episcopus Lugdun>2. V O L. III. <4L O N D O N:>4 Printed for R. and J. D<4ODSLEY>4 in <2Pall-Mall>2; M.DCC.LXI. |||||||||| T H E L I F E and O P I N I O N S O F TRISTRAM SHANDY, Gent. __________________________________________ C H A P. I. --`` <2<5I>5 Wish>2, Dr. <2Slop>2,'' quoth my uncle <2Toby>2 (repeating his wish for Dr. <2Slop>2 a second time, and with a degree of more zeal and earnestness in his manner of wishing, than he had wish- ed it at first *) -- `` <2I wish>2, Dr. <2Slop>2,'' <2quoth>2 my uncle <2Toby>2, ``<2you had seen what ``prodigious armies we had in Flanders>2 . . .

- Name
- vol-iv-1388.txt
- Size
- 167.21 KB
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T H E L I F E A N D O P I N I O N S O F TRISTRAM SHANDY, G<4ENTLEMAN>4. Multidudinis imperit@ae non formido judicia ; meis tamen, rogo parcant opusculis -- in quibus fuit propositi semper, a jocis ad seria, a seriis vicissim ad jocos transire. J<4OAN>4. S<4ARESBERIENSIS>2, <2Episcopus Lugdun>2. V O L. IV. <2L O N D O N :>2 Printed for R. and J. D<4ODSLEY>4 in <2Pall-Mall>2 M.DCC.LXI. |||||||||| V<4OL>4. IV. B |||||||||| S L A W K E N B E R G I I F<4 A B E L L A>4. <2<5V>5 E S P E R A qu@^adam frigidul@^a, po- steriori in parte mensis>2 Augusti, <2peregrinus, mulo fusco colore insi- dens, mantic@^a a tergo, paucis indusijs, binis calceis, braccisque sericis coccinejs re- plet@ . . .

- Name
- vol-ix-1388.txt
- Size
- 90.18 KB
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.ig [ 0 ] .ce T H E .ce L I F E .ce A N D .ce O P I N I O N S .ce O F .ce TRISTRAM SHANDY, .ce G<4entleman>4. Si quid urbaniuscul@`e lusum a nobis, per Musas et Cha- ritas et omnium poetarum Numina, Oro te, ne me mal@`e capias. .ce V O L. IX. .ce <4L O N D O N:>4 .ce Printed for T. B<4ECKET>4 and P. A. D<4EHONDT>4, .ce in the Strand. MDCCLXVII |||||||||| .ce A .ce DEDICATION .ce TO A .ce GREAT MAN <5H>5AVING, <2a priori>2, intended to dedicate <2The Amours of my>2 <2uncle Toby>2 to Mr. *** -- I see more reasons, <2a posteriori,>2 for doing it to Lord *******. I should lament from my soul, if this exposed me to the jealousy of their Reverences; because, <2a posteri->2 V<4OL>4. IX. 2 <2ori,>2 |||||||||| .ce DEDICATION <2riori>2, in Court-latin, signifies, the kissing hands for preferment -- or any thing else -- in order to get it. My opinion of Lord ******* is neither better nor worse, . . .

- Name
- vol-v-1388.txt
- Size
- 129.54 KB
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!! NOTE: Type face for dedication is 12 pt. not 10!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T H E L I F E and O P I N I O N S O F T R I S T R A M S H A N D Y, Gent. |||||||||| T H E L I F E A N D O P I N I O N S O F T R I S T R A M S H A N D Y, G<4entleman>4. <2Dixero si quid fort@`e jocosius, hoc mihi juris Cum venia dabis>2.-- -- H<4OR>4. --<2Si quis calumnietur levius esse quam decet theo- logum, aut mordacius quam deceat Christia- num--non Ego, sed Democritus dixit>2.-- E<4RASMUS>4. V O L. V. L O N D O N: Printed for T. B<4E C K E T>4 and P. A. D<4E H O N D T>4, in the Strand. M DCC LXII. |||||||||| <6To the Right Honourable>6 <7J O H N,>7 Lord Viscount S <4P E N C E R>4. M<4Y>4 L<4ORD>4, <5I>5 Humbly beg lea . . .

- Name
- vol-vi-1388.txt
- Size
- 123.12 KB
- Format
- Text file
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- Version of the work in plain text format
T H E L I F E and O P I N I O N S O F T R I S T R A M S H A N D Y, Gent. |||||||||| T H E L I F E A N D O P I N I O N S O F T R I S T R A M S H A N D Y, G<4 E N T L E M A N.>4 <2Dixero si quid fort@`e jocosius, hoc mihi juris Cum venia dabis>2. H<4OR>4 -----<2Si quis calumnietur levius esse quam decet theologum, aut mordacius quam deceat Chris- tianum----non Ego, sed Democritus dixit>2.---- E<4RASMUS>4. V O L. VI. L O N D O N : Printed for T. B<4ECKET>4 and P.A.D<4EHONDT>4, in the Strand. MDCCLXII. |||||||||| T H E L I F E and O P I N I O N S of T R I S T R A M S H A N D Y, Gent. -- C H A P. I. --<5W>5 E ' L L not stop two mo- ments, my dear Sir,--only, as we have got thro' these five volumes, (do, Sir, sit down upon a set--they are better than nothing) let us just look back upon the country we have pass'd through.-- --What a wilderness has it be . . .