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Piers Plowman B-Text from Skeat
                    Not proof read 18/5/89
@=thorn   #=yogh   $=caesura
H P001  In a somer seson $whan soft was the sonne
H P002  I shope me in shroudes $as I a shepe were
H P003  In habite as an heremite $vnholy of workes
H P004  Went wyde in this world  $wondres to here
H P005  Ac on a May mornynge $on Maluerne hulles
H P006  Me byfel a ferly $of fairy me thou#te
H P007  I was wery forwandred $and went me to reste
H P008  Vnder a brode banke $bi a bornes side
H P009  And as I lay and lened $and loked in the wateres
H P010  I slombred in a slepyng $it sweyued so merye
H P011  Thanne gan I to meten $a merueilouse sweuene
H P012  That I was in a wildernesse $wist I neuer where
H P013  As I bihelde in-to the est $an hiegh to the sonne
H P014  I seigh a toure on a toft $trielich ymaked
H P015  A depe dale binethe $a dongeon there-inne
H P016  With depe dyches and derke $and dredful of sight
H P017  A faire felde ful of folke $fonde I there b . . .