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- Name
- intro1-1372.txt
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THE PIXI CORPORA: Bookshop encounters in English and Italian Printed version: edited by Laura Gavioli & Gillian Mansfield published by Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice, Via Marsala 24, 40126 Bologna, Italy copyright Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice 1990 Computer-readable version: edited by Guy Aston, CISeL, Via Pizzecolli 68, 60121 Ancona, Italy CONTENTS Transcription conventions L. Gavioli & G. Mansfield: Introductory remarks The corpora Lod Bof Paf Pif Rok TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS AL speaker = assistant, where L is the first letter of the assistant's name C(n)w speaker = customer, where n is a consecutive number C(n)m when more than one customer speaks in the sequence, C(n)i w = woman, m = man, i = child C(n)wn speaker = non-native customer C(n)mn [note] comments (paralinguistic and extralinguistic features) (text) tape unclear: tenta . . .
- Name
- lod2-1372.txt
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- 97 KB
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[Lod: AJ Jane; AP Paul; AZ Zoe] Lod A-01 /a AJ Can I help you. C1wn I hope so. There is a book by Kitto, + oh yes it's: erm: "Structure and thought". AJ What's the title again? C1wn "Structure and thought". AJ By Kitto. C1wn Kitto, yes. AJ I don't know the book at all. [(14) AJ looks in files] AJ I take it is - one of the books on classics. It is a classics (book). Yeah. C1wn Yes. It's a Cam bridge edition. ++ Maybe a paperback one, + which I would prefer. (36) AJ [sottovoce] "Structure and thought" ++ [normal] It is still available, + it's - ++ it's published by - the University of California Press in the States, and costs twenty nine pounds forty five. C1wn Oh! C1wn ==Good gracious. AJ (02) I can of course get you a copy. C1wn ++ Yes, but er: + I'll wait for a paperback. AJ (Oh.) You may be- you may - it may never come as a paperback. It was published as a hardback in nineteen seventy three. + No, I lie, n . . .
- Name
- pixi-1372.txt
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- 282.98 KB
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[[BOF 2B]] DP:commessi- D,E. commesse- F,G. cliente maschio-M. cliente femmina-W, 2a cliente femmina-X. cliente maschio nns-N. cliente femmina nns-V. <I 2b01> @Virago@ (fragments of a telephone conversation?) <S A><P F> dica sign$ora.% <S C><P W> $Buon%giorno, volevo sapere se sono arrivati de:i romanzi di Christina (?Steadman) che avevo ordinato ancora tanto tempo fa. + (?so:no) forse sarebbero arrivati a Genna:io. (09) @conversazione in sottofondo@ <S A><P F> Mah. Erano quelli della Virago Press? + $che% lei aveva chiesto? <S C><P W> $Si' mi sembra.% <S A><P F> Di cui una parte $$li avevano ritirati.%% <S C><P W> $$Li avevo gia'presi, esatto.%% Poi pero' $ne avevo ordinati -% <S A><P F> $Allora aspetti che guardiamo% se e'rimasto: <S C><P W> Si'. <S A><P F> (?Quell'altra). (13) <S A><P F> Allora nient'altro signora. + $Ho chiesto solo% quei due volumi che poi avevo trovato a Milano che le ho portato in Settembre - <S C><P W> $Non e'arrivato -% <S C><P W> Si'. <S A><P . . .
- Name
- readme-1372.txt
- Size
- 1.34 KB
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- Version of the work in plain text format
PIXI: Oxford Textarc version format notes There are 7 files as well as the one you are now perusing. They are: 1Intro (the introduction to the book, modified for this version) 2Lod (the English data) 3Bof (the main Italian data) 4Paf (minor Italian data) 5Pif " 6Rok " 7notes (the footnotes from the printed version of the data) These files are all in wordperfect 5.0, and can be retrieved and formatted for whatever virtual printer you choose. Base font is set as HP courier 10pt. WP formatting codes have all (I think) been removed, apart from: a) indents/tabs. Tabs do not occur in the data files (2-6) b) bold, italic and underline, which are all significant c) redline codes in the introduction (1intro). These indicate all references made to the use of notes, bold, italics and underline, where the text of the introduction should be modified according to the decisions made for (b) in the Ascii version. All footnotes in the book have been moved to a separate file (7notes), and rep . . .