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Section 1 (Fragment I, Group A)
    Here bygynneth the book of the tales of Caunterbury.
1. 0001      Whan that Aueryll with his shoures soote
1. 0002  The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
1. 0003  And bathed euery veyne in swich lycour
1. 0004  Of which vertu engendred is the flour,
1. 0005  Whan Zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
1. 0006  Inspired hath in euery holt and heeth
1. 0007  The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
1. 0008  Hath in the ram his half-cours yronne,
1. 0009  And smale foweles maken melodye
1. 0010  (That slepen al the nyght with open iye)
1. 0011  So priketh hem nature in hir corages,
1. 0012  Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrymages
1. 0013  And palmeres for to seeken straunge strondes
1. 0014  To ferne halwes kouthe in sondry londes,
1. 0015  And specially from euery shyres ende
1. 0016  Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende
1. 0017  The holy blisful martir for to seke
1. 0018  That hem hath holpen whan that they weere seeke.
1. . . .
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Section 9 (Fragment VI, Group C)

Here bigynneth the phisiciens Tale.                                     f.191v

9. 0001  Ther was, as telleth Titus Liuius,
9. 0002  A knyght that called was Virginius
9. 0003  Fulfild of honour and of worthynesse.
9. 0004  And strong of freendes and of greet richesse.
9. 0005    This knyght a doghter hadde by his wif:
9. 0006  No children hadde he mo in al his lif.
9. 0007  Fair was this mayde in excellent beautee
9. 0008  Abouen euery wight that man may see,
9. 0009  For nature hath with souereyn diligence
9. 0010  Yformed hir in so greet excellence
9. 0011  As thogh she wolde seyn: 'Lo I, nature,
9. 0012  Thus kan I forme and peynte a creature
9. 0013  Whan that me list. Who kan me countrefete?
9. 0014  Pigmalion noght, thogh he ay forge and bete
9. 0015  Or graue or peynte. For I dar wel seyn
9. 0016  Apelles, Zanzis sholde werche in veyn
9. 0017  Outher to graue or peynte or forge or bete
9. 0018  If they presumeden me to cou . . .