1,1 The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen,
1,2 That was the kyng Priamus sone of Troye,
1,3 In louynge how his auentures fellen
1,4 ffro wo to wele, and after out of ioie,
1,5 My purpos is, er that I parte fro ye.
1,6 Thesiphone, thow help me for tendite
1,7 Thise woful vers that wepen as I write.
1,8 To the clepe I, thow goddesse of torment,
1,9 Thow cruwel furie, sorwynge euere in peyne,
1,10 Help me that am the sorwful instrument
1,11 That helpeth loueres, as I kan, to pleyne;
1,12 ffor wel sit it, the sothe for to seyne,
1,13 A woful wight to han a drery feere,
1,14 And to a sorwful tale a sory chere.
1,15 ffor I, that god of loues seruantz serue,
1,16 Ne dar to loue, for myn vnliklynesse,
1,17 Preyen for speed, al sholde I ther-fore sterue,
1,18 So fer am I from his help in derknesse;
1,19 But natheles, if this may don gladnesse
1,20 To any louere and his cause auaille,
1,21 Haue he my thonk, and myn be this trauaille.
1,22 But |e loueres that bathen in gl . . .