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- Name
- siege-1357.txt
- Size
- 9.99 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
S 1 In Tiberyus tyme 7e trewe emperour S 2 Sir Sesar hym sulf seysed in Rome S 3 Whyle Pylat was prouost vnder 7at prince riche S 4 & Iewen iustice also in Judeus londis S 5 Herodes vnder his emperie as heritage wolde S 6 Kyng of Galile ycalled whan 7at Crist deyed S 7 7ey Sesar sakles wer 7at oft synne hatide S 8 7row Pylat pyned he was & put on 7e rode S 9 A pyler py3t was doun vpon 7e playn er7e S 10 His body bonden 7er to beten with scourgis S 11 Whyppes of quyrboyle by-wente his white sides S 12 Til he al on rede blode ran as rayn [i]n 7e strete S 13 Su7 stoked hym on a stole with styf Mannes hondis S 14 Blyndfelled hym as a be & boffetis hym ra3te S 15 3if 7ou be prophete of pris prophecie 7ey sayde S 16 Whiche [beryn] her aboute bolled 7e laste S 17 A 7range 7ornen croune was 7raste on his hed S 18 Vmbe-casten hym with a cry & on a croys slowen S 19 For al 7e harme 7at he hadde hasted he no3t S 20 On hem 7e vy . . .
- Name
- siege2-1357.txt
- Size
- 37.23 KB
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- Version of the work in plain text format
S 601 My3t no stede doun stap bot on stele wede S 602 Or on burne o7er on beste or on bri3t scheldes S 603 So myche was 7e multitude 7at on 7e molde lafte S 604 7er so many wer mar[red] mereuail wer ellis S 605 3it wer 7e Romayns as rest as 7ey fram Rome come S 606 [Vnrevyn] eche a renk & no3t a ryng brosten S 607 Was no poynt perschid of alle her pris armur S 608 So Crist his kny3tes gan kepe tille complyn tyme S 609 An hundred 7ousand helmes of 7e he7en syde S 610 Wer fey fallen in 7e felde [7at no freke skapide] S 611 Saue seuen 7ousand of 7e somme 7at to 7e cite flowen S 612 & wy[nn]en with mychel wo 7e walles with-ynne S 613 Ledes lepen to a-non louken 7e 3ates S 614 Barren hem bigly with boltes of yren S 615 Brayden vp brigges with brouden chaynes S 616 & portecolis with pile picchen to grounde S 617 7ei wynnen vp why3tly 7e walles to kepe S 618 Fr[e]sche vnfonded folke & grete defence made S 619 Tye7 in-to tourres tonnes ful manye S 620 W . . .
- Name
- siegrjer3-1357.txt
- Size
- 80.02 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
The Siege of Jerusalem Prepared by Hoyt N. Duggan, Department of English, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903. This text has not been carefully proofread. I have from time to time, especially in ll. 200-600, a section prepared separately from the portions in lower case, emended from the manuscripts against the Day-K�lbing edition. 7 = thorn 3 = yogh S 1 In Tiberyus tyme 7e trewe emperour S 2 Sir Sesar hym sulf seysed in Rome S 3 Whyle Pylat was prouost vnder 7at prince riche S 4 & Iewen iustice also in Judeus londis S 5 Herodes vnder his emperie as heritage wolde S 6 Kyng of Galile ycalled whan 7at Crist deyed S 7 7ey Sesar sakles wer 7at oft synne hatide S 8 7row Pylat pyned he was & put on 7e rode S 9 A pyler py3t was doun vpon 7e playn er7e S 10 His body bonden 7er to beten with scourgis S 11 Whyppes of quyrboyle by-wente his white sides S 12 Til he al on rede blode ran as rayn [i]n 7e . . .