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Texts deposited by:  Pamela Dalziel
                     Post-Doctoral Fellow
		     U of British Columbia
		     Dept of English, UBC
		     379-1873 East Mall
		     Vancouver, BC 
		     V6T 1W5
Date Deposited : 28/11/1989

For all texts:  availability [ U ]

Author = Thomas Hardy
Language= English
P= page number
C= column
"((e))"/ (error)= an error [all are not marked]
"((a))"= American spelling [all are not marked]
Titles, etc. are surrounded by double parentheses
"I" signals italics
"{" signals compound words hyphenated at the end of a line
"***" signals the end of a paragraph

 "How I built myself a house", Chamber's Journal, 18 march 1865
 "Destiny and a blue cloak", New York Times, 4 Oct 1874
 "The thieves who couldn't help sneezing", Father Chistmas, 1877
 "An indiscretion in the life of an heiress", New Quarterly Magazine, 
 July 1878
 "Our exploits at West Poley", The Household, Nov 1892-April 1893
 "The doctor's legend", MS Berg Collection . . .