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All strange away / compiled by Lise Opdahl

dc.contributor Opdahl, Lise D of English U of Bergen Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989 2018-07-27 2022-08-19T14:39:10Z 2022-08-19T14:39:10Z 1964 1989-05-22
dc.identifier ota:1317
dc.description.abstract In English Title from title page of source text
dc.format.extent Text data less than 512 KB Contains markup characters offline
dc.format.medium Digital bitstream
dc.language English
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher University of Oxford
dc.relation.ispartof Oxford Text Archive Core Collection
dc.rights While this resource was freely available for non-commercial use provided that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed, it has been removed from our catalogue for one reason or another.
dc.rights.label ACA
dc.subject.lcsh Fiction -- 20th century
dc.subject.other Fiction
dc.title All strange away / compiled by Lise Opdahl
dc.type Text
hidden hidden
has.files yes
branding Oxford Text Archive
branding Oxford Text Archive
files.size 278639
files.count 2 1900-1999

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From:	VAX::LLO          22-MAY-1989 15:25:44.28

<T All Strange Away>
<O 1976, Gotham Book Mart>
<E 1979, John Calder, London>

<p. 12>

The back of his 
head touches the ceiling, say a life-
time of standing bowed. Call floor 
angles deasil a, b, c and d and 
ceiling likewise e,f,g and h, say 
Jolly at b and Draeger at d, lean 
him for rest with feet at a and head 
at g, in dark and light, eyes glaring, 
murmuring, He's not here, no 
sound, Fancy is his only hope. 
Physique, flesh and fell, nail him 
to that while still tender, nothing 
clear, place again. Light as before, 
all white still when at full, flaking 
plaster or the like, floor like 
bleached dirt, aha. Faces now 
naked bodies, eye level, two per 
<p. 13>
wall, eight in all, all right, details 
later. All six planes hot when shin-
ing, aha. So dark and cold any 
length, shivering more or less, 
feeble slaps want of room at all 
flesh within reach, little stamps of 
hampered feet, so on. Same syste . . .
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<T All Strange Away>
<O 1976, Gotham Book Mart>
<E 1979, John Calder, London>
<p. 12>
<p. 13>
<p. 14>
<p. 15>
<p. 16>
<p. 17>
<p. 18>
<p. 19>
<T Company>
<O 1980, John Calder Ltd.>
<E 1982, Pan Books Ltd.>
<I 0 330 26709 4>
<pg 52>
<pg 53>
<pg 54>
<pg 55>
<pg 56>
<pg 57>
<pg 58>
<pg 59>
<pg 60>
<T Enough>
<O 1966, Editions de Minuit>
<F Assez>
<E 1974, First Love and Other Shorts, Grove Press, Inc., USA>
<I 0-394-49149-1>
<p. 57>
<p. 58>
<p. 59>
<p. 60>
<T Fizzles; 1>
<O 1976, Les Editions de Minuit, Paris>
<E 1976, Grove Press, Inc., New York>
<I 0 394 17917 X>
<T Fizzles; 2>
<O 1976, Editions de Minuit, Paris>
<E 1976, grove Press, Inc., new York>
<I 0 394 17917 X>
<T Fizzles; 3 - Afar a bird>
<O 1976, Editions de Minuit, Paris>
<E 1976, grove Press, Inc., New York>
<I 0 394 17917 X>
<T Fizzles; 4>
<O 1976, Editions de Minuit, Paris>
<E 1976, Grove Press, Inc., New York>
<I 0 394 17917 X>
<T Fizzles; 5>
<O 1976, editions de Minuit, Paris>
<E 1976, Grove Press, Inc., New York>
<I 0 . . .

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