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<T Ham><L 1><Y Q><P B1><C X>
 <D {Enter Barnardo, and Francisco, two Centinels.}> 
 <S {Bar.}> Whose there?  
 <S ##{Fran.}> *Nay answere me. Stand and vnfolde your selfe. 
 <S {Bar.}> Long liue the King,  
 <S ##{Fran.} {Barnardo.}>  
 <S ##{Bar.}> Hee. 
 <S {Fran.}> You come most carefully vpon your houre, 
 <S {Bar.}> Tis now strooke twelfe, get thee to bed {Francisco.} 
 <S {Fran.}> For this reliefe much thanks, tis bitter cold,  
 And I am sick at hart.  
 <S {Bar.}> Haue you had quiet guard?  
 <S ##{Fran.}> Not a mouse stirring. 
 <S {Bar.}> Well, good night:  
 If you doe meete {Horatio} and {Marcellus}, 
 The riualls of my watch, bid them make #hast. 
 <D {Enter Horatio, and Marcellus.}> 
 <S {Fran.}> I thinke I heare them, stand ho, who is there?  
 <S ##{Hora.}> Friends to this ground. 
 <S {Mar.}> And Leedgemen to the Dane,  
 <S ##{Fran.}> Giue you good night. 
 <S {Mar.}> O, farwell honest souldiers, who hath relieu'd you? 
 <S {Fran.} {Barnardo}> hath my place; giue you . . .