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- Name
- encomium1040.txt
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- 23.74 KB
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- Version of the work in plain text format
<INL140> <DES\> <DMF10=0300> <DFT2=0011/1,3=0290,4=0011/9> <FES$=0011/1,#=0290,%=0011/9> <GLE^> <DPT1=10,2=12> <DLD1=12,2=14> <DLL0=2700> <DMG1200> <DCD//> /DMP1:A=A,B=B,G=C,D=D,E=E,Z=F,H=G,Q=H,I=I,K=J,L=K,M=L,N=M,C=N,O=O/ /DMP1:P=P,R=Q,S=R,T=S,U=T,F=U,X=V,Y=W,W=X,@A=Y,@H=Z,@W=[,V=@;/ /DMP1:a=a,b=b,g=c,d=d,e=e,z=f,h=g,q=h,i=i,k=j,l=k,m=l,n=m,c=n,o=o/ /DMP1:p=p,r=q,s=r,t=s,u=t,f=u,x=v,y=w,w=x,@a=y,@h=z,@w={,v=|/ /DMP1:\,=\,,:=:,;=;,!=\$,<=<,'=*,`=+,>'=>,>`=\/,<'=\%,<`=\=/ /DMP1:~=&,>~=\#,<~=',+=],+'=\^,+`=~,+~=},*="/ /DMP1:{{=%",}}=%',{=$",}=$'/ /XES/ /DMP1:>=\/ /DES\/ /CMP1/ /CMG/ /CLL0/ /fpl10,2,2/ Grhgori'ou tapeinou~ monaxou~ Buzanti'ou gegono'tov monh~v tou~ Pagouri'ou e>gkw'mion ei>v to`n a<'gion Pagkra'tion./qc/ /sp/ /em/>'Hdh pro`v th`n pneumatikh`n panh'gurin pistw~v a>qroisqe'ntev kai` tou~ yuxikou~ o>'lbou to`n qhsauro`n e>conou'menoi, t@w~ tau'thv e>mpo'r@w ta` qei~a e<'dna prosa'cwmen, ou>k e>k xrusou~ kai` li'qwn kai` margaritw~n sunarmou'mena, ou>de` texnourgik@h~ e>pisth . . .