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- Name
- cwg-1024.txt
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- 304.73 KB
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00010 <A L> 00020 <S CARL> 00030 <R PCP> 00040 <D 345-6> 00050 kyrkandres 00060 Inquisicio capta apud karliolum die Lune proxima ante festum 00070 sancti michaelis anno regni regis Edwardi tercij a conquestu 00080 decimo nono coram domino Thoma de Lucy Ricardo...g'ton per 00090 Commissionem domini Regis assignatis super quibusdam 00100 dissencionibus et discordijs inter homines in municione Castri 00110 domini Regis karlioli existentibus & Communitatem Ciuitatis 00120 karlioli...per Adamum de Kyrkeby Petrum ffrankys Thomam de Neuby 00130 Iohannem de mulcastre Ricardum de Scraityngham Ricardum del 00140 sandes... Thomam de Canonuby Iohannem de Ireby Iohannem de 00150 Agillonuby Iohannem de Cokedene & Iohannem filium simonis de 00160 Iuratores Qui dicunt super sacra...quod die dominica in vigilia 00170 sancti Petri aduincula anno supradicto Cum Clerici fecerunt 00180 quendam ludum in foro dicte ciuitatis karlioli quedam contumelia 00190 mota fuit in . . .
- Name
- devon-1024.txt
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<A L> <S DEX> <D 150-70> <R PBE> ((f 168 cols 1-2)) \lxxxix. \ De cantico turpi. ex {con}cil{io} cartagine{n}si. ((1)) ((2)) Canticum turpe atq{ue} luxuriosu{m}| circa eccl{esi}as at{que} in atriis eccl{esi}e omnino c{on}t{ra}dicim{us}. q{uo}d u{bi}q{ue} uitandu{m} e{st}. \{{xc}} \ De balationib{us}. ex {con}cil{io} remensi ((3)) ((4)) Siquis balationes an{te} eccl{esi}as s{an}c{t}or{um} fec{er}it. seu q{ui} facie{m} suam t{ra}nsmutau{er}it in habitu mulieb{r}i. & mulier in habitu uiri; em{en}dacione pollicita t{ri}b{us} annis pen{i}teat. ((f 174v col 2)) \cviij \ De histrionib{us} aug{ustinus}. ((5)) ((6)) Qui donat histrionib{us}. qui donat meretricib{us} quare donat? Numq{ui}d n{on} & ip{s}i hominib{us} donant? No{n} t{ame}n nat{ur}am ibi attendunt op{er}is d{e}i. s{ed} neq{ui}tia{m} op{er}is humani. aug{ustinus} sup{er} ioh{ann}em. ((7)) ((8)) Donare res suas histrionib{us} uitium {est} inmane n{on} uirt{us}. & scitis de talib{us} q{ua}m sit freq{ue}ns fama cu{m} laude. q{uia} . . .
- Name
- enor-1024.txt
- Size
- 462.57 KB
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<A E><S NOR><R CA6><D 539> ... And to the iiij Waytes ffor ther Wages & lyueryes ... ... And payd to Iohn Hoode laborer ffor the cariage off tymber & makyng a stage ffor a game ... And paid to the kynges pleyerz on Seynt Nicholas at the comandement of Master Mayer ... <A E><S NOR><R MB><D 539> This daye it is agreed that master Mayer shall haue of the comon goodes ... towardes his charges & expences & rewardes giffen to the kynges seruantes Mynstrell gamepleyerz Memorandum that Thomas Nicholas of his godemynde 4that4 hath gyuen to the cominaltie his pageant called the moremayd the xxiiij daye off Maye anno xxxij regni regis henrici viij in the presens off Master Sotherton & Thomas Conye <A E><S NOR><R MB><D 539> This daye it is agreed that master Mayer shall haue of the comon goodes ... towardes his charges & expences & rewardes giffen to the kynges seruantes Mynstrell gamepleyerz Memorandum that Thomas Nicholas of his godemynde 4that4 hath gyuen to the cominaltie his pageant called th . . .
- Name
- hereford-1024.txt
- Size
- 252.1 KB
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DIOCESE OF HEREFORD <A M> <S > <D 348> <P HB02> ((ff 91--1v* {(6 October)})) ... \1 Ad p{ro}hibend{um} lud{os} theatral{es} fieri in eccl{es}iis \ ((par)) Quia iux{t}a p{ro}ph{et}e vocem, domu{m} d{omi}ni decet s{anc}citudo/ in ea q{u}icq{u}am exc{er}ceri no{n} co{n}uenit quod a cultu religionis fu{er}it alienu{m}. Cu{m} {i}gi{tur} in ludis theatralib{us} qui int{er}du{m} in eccl{es}iis fiunt scurilitas et t{ur}piloq{u}iu{m} que ab ap{osto}lo nedu{m} in templo d{omi}ni q{u}od dom{us} or{aci}o{n}is teste saluatore fore & vocari debet/ s{ed} vbilibet simplicit{er} p{ro}hibent{ur}, aliaq{ue} ad ludibriu{m} p{er}ti{n}encia, ex quib{us} corda fideliu{m} q{u}i in loc{is} eisd{e}m attendere debe{n}t sacra solempnia & deuot{is} or{aci}o{n}ib{us} insist{er}e/ ad inania distrahant{ur}, & deuoc{i}o s{u}bt{r}ahit{ur} eo{run}d{em} vt pl{u}rimu{m} int{er}ue{n}ire dinoscant{ur}/ in d{iu}ini no{min}is offensam, & assistenciu{m} seu spectanciu{m} p . . .
- Name
- lnor-1024.txt
- Size
- 35 KB
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<A L><S NOR><R MB><D 553> Willelmus Mason de norwico Musysion Ricardus Sturmyn de norwico blaksmythe et matheus harman de norwico predicta worstedweuer venerunt in propriis personis suis coram prefato maiore &c Et Recognouerunt debere domine Regine videlicet prefatus Willelmus pro seipso ... et vterque dictorum Ricardi et Mathei ... &c soluendos &c Cum condicione &c quod ipse idem Willelmus personaliter comparverit coram Maiore &c pro tempore existente de tempore in tempus vsque festum Sancti michaelis Archangeli proximum futurum ad Respondendum super hijs que sibi obicientur Et interim se bene 4gere4 geret erga dominam Reginam et cunctum populum suum Et nisi fecerit &c Tunc concedunt &c <A L><S NOR><R RF><D 558> Richardus ffryer Mercer Apprentice Roberti Suclyng Iurator & admissus est Civis die & Anno supradictis <A L><S NOR><R SGB><D 558> Congregacio &c ibidem tenta Quinto die Maij Anno Regni domine Elizabethe dei gracia Anglie ffrauncie et hibernie Regine fidei defensor &c Primo Cor . . .
- Name
- newc-1024.txt
- Size
- 161.81 KB
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<A E> <S NEWC> <R COC> <D 427> To the Worshippe of godde And sustentacion of the procession And Corpus christi play in the towne of the Neucastell vppon Tyne Aftur the laudable And the amycient Custome of the seide towne And in eschewyng of discencion And discorde that has benne emong diuerse Craftes. of the seid towne is ordinet And Assentid by the mare sherif Aldermen Iustice of peas by Auctorite of the commyn Gilde of the seide towne the xxti Day of Ianuary in the yere of our lorde godde ... That the coupers Now dwellyng or in tyme to comme reparyng to dwell in the seide towne shall amyabilly yerly atte the fest of Corpus christi go to gedder in procession As other Craftes Doyes And play ther play at ther costes of the seid coupers Aftur the ordinance of ther Wardeyns yerly of them by ther commyn Assent to be chossyn And that euery man of ye seid craft shalbe Atte the procession Whanne his oure is assignede by the seyd wardens o payn to pay Aponde of wax to the seide wardennes & cra . . .
- Name
- worcester-1024.txt
- Size
- 328.75 KB
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DIOCESE OF WORCESTER <A M> <S DIW> <D 240> <P WB04> ((f 41v* {(26 July)} {(Episcopal constitutions on the state of the church)})) ... de Cimiterijs Cimiteria quoq{ue} que((1)) corp{or}a {con}tinent saluandor{um} quor{um} m{u}lta iam p{ur}gata stola{m} sue gl{or}ificac{i}o{n}is exspectant. inhoneste((2)) credim{us} brutor{um} a{nima}li{um} sordib{us} deturpari. P{re}t{er}ea((3)) {etiam} p{re}cipim{us} q{uo}d honeste claudant{ur} sepe u{e}l muro: cano{n}ice {com}pellendis ad hoc faciendu{m} hijs ad quos eor{um} clausio noscit{ur} p{er}tin{er}e. ((par))Rectorib{us} {etiam} ecc{lesi}ar{um} & sac{er}dotib{us} inhibem{us}, ne ip{s}i in d{i}c{t}is ecc{lesi}ar{um}((4)) at{r}iis a{nima}lia sua((5)) pascant u{e}l {etiam} intrare p{er}mittant. Q{uo}d si p{re}su{m}pseri{n}t g{r}auit{er} se nouerint puniendos. ((par))Ad seruandam q{u}o{que} tam cimit{er}ij q{u}a{m} ecc{lesi}e reu{er}e{n}ciam p{ro}hibem{us} ne i{n} cimit{er}ijs u{e}l alijs . . .