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The Mi$eries of infor$t


         <1Enter Sir Francis Ilford, Wentloe, and Bartley          sc.>1

   <1Bart.>1     BVt <1Francke, Franke,>1 now we are come to the hou$e,
             what $hall we make to be our bu$ines?
   <1Ilford.>1   Tut, let vs be Impudent enough and good inough.
   <1Went.>1     We haue no acquaintaince heere, but young <1Scar->1
<1borrow. Ilf.>1 How no aquaintance: Angels guard me from thy
company. I   tel thee <1Wentloe>1 thou art not worthy to weare guilte
Spurs, cleane Linnen, nor good Cloaths.
   <1Went.>1 Why for Gods $ake ?
   <1Ilford.>1 By this hand thou art not a man fit to Table at an Ordi- 10
nary, keepe Knights company to Bawdy hou$es, nor Begger thy
   <1Went.>1 Why then I am free from Cheaters, cleare from the Pox,
and e$cape Cur$$es ?
   <1Ilf.>1 Why doo$t thou think there is any Chri$tians in the world ?
   <1Went.>1 I and Iewes too, Brokers, Puritans, and Sergiants.
   <1Ilf.>1 Or doo$ . . .