<1Moll Flandgrs, &>1C.
MY True Name is so well known in the Records, or Registers
at <1Newgate,>1 and in the <1Old-Baily,>1 and there are some things
of such Consequence still depending there, relating to my
particular Conduct, that it is not to be expected I should set
my Name, or the Account of my Family to this Work;
perhaps, after my Death it may be better known, at present
it would not be proper, no, not tho' a general Pardon should
be issued, even without Exceptions and reserve of Persons
or Crimes.
IT is enough to tell you, that as some of my worst Com-
rades, who are out of the Way of doing me Harm, having
gone out of the World by the Steps and the String, as I often
expected to go, knew me by the Name of <1Moll Flanders;>1 so
you may give me leave to speak of myself, under that Name
till I dare own who I have been, as well as who I am.
I HAVE been told, that in one of our Neighbour Nations,
whether it be in <1France,>1 . . .