<T Phoenix too Frequent>
[A Comedy (Oxford University Press Paperback ed.1969)
#The tomb of Virilius, near Ephesus; night#
#The story was got from Jeremy Taylor who#
#had it from Petronius#]
<P 7>
[#An underground tomb, in darkness except for the very low light of an#
#oil-lamp. Above ground the starlight shows a line of trees on which hang#
#the bodies of several men. It also penetrates a gate and falls on to the#
#first of the steps which descend into the darkness of the tomb.# DOTO
#talks to herself in the dark.#]
DOTO. Nothing but the harmless day gone into black
Is all the dark is. And so what's my trouble?
Demons is so much wind. Are so much wind.
I've plenty to fill my thoughts. All that I ask
Is don't keep turning men over in my mind,
Venerable Aphrodite. I've had my last one
And thank you. I thank thee. He smelt of sour grass
And was likeable. He collected ebony quoits.
[#An owl hoots near at hand.#]
0 Zeus! O some g . . .