Elementa : Libri I-XIII / compiled by Malcolm Brown
dc.contributor | Brown, Malcolm B Computing Services Dartmouth College |
dc.contributor.author | Euclid |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-07-27 |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-08-21T16:07:45Z |
dc.date.available | 2022-08-21T16:07:45Z |
dc.date.created | 300 BCE |
dc.date.issued | 1976-01-01 |
dc.identifier | ota:0240 |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14106/0240 |
dc.description.abstract | In Ancient Greek Title from title page of source text Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana. Scriptores Graeci |
dc.format.extent | Text data between 1 and 2 MB Contains markup characters offline |
dc.format.medium | Digital bitstream |
dc.language | Greek, Ancient (to 1453) |
dc.language.iso | grc |
dc.publisher | University of Oxford |
dc.relation.ispartof | Oxford Text Archive Legacy Collection |
dc.rights | Distributed by the University of Oxford under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ |
dc.rights.label | PUB |
dc.subject.lcsh | Formularies -- 4th century B.C. |
dc.subject.other | Formularies |
dc.title | Elementa : Libri I-XIII / compiled by Malcolm Brown |
dc.type | Text |
has.files | yes |
branding | Oxford Text Archive |
files.size | 1092116 |
files.count | 4 |
otaterms.date.range | BCE |
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####***I####-^V1^-^P1^-^L0^-----<0<ELEMENTS, BOOK 1>0> ###DEFN###-----<0<DEFINITIONS, BOOK I>0> -----OROI ##1##-a41 Shme5i4on 2estin, o35u m4ero@ o2uq4en. ##2##-b41 Gramm6h d6e m5hko@ 2aplat4e@. ##3##-g41 Gramm5h@ d6e p4erata shme5ia. ##4##-d41 E2uqe5ia gramm4h 2estin, 34hti@ 2ec 24isou to5i@ 2ef' 3eaut5h@ shme4ioi@ ke5itai. ##5##-e41 2Epif4aneia d4e 2estin, 36o m5hko@ ka6i pl4ato@ m4onon 24exei. ##6##-@t41 2Epifane4ia@ d6e p4erata gramma4i. ##7##-z41 2Ep4ipedo@ 2epif4anei4a 2estin, 34hti@ 2ec 24isou ta5i@ 2ef' 3eaut5h@ e2uqe4iai@ ke5itai. ##8##-h41 2Ep4ipedo@ d6e gwn4ia 2est6in 3h 2en 2epip4edwj d4uo gramm5wn 3aptom4enwn 2all4hlwn ka6i m6h 2ep' e2uqe4ia@ keim4enwn pr6o@ 2all4hla@ t5wn gramm5wn kl4isi@. ##9##-q41 34Otan d6e a3i peri4exousai t6hn gwn4ian gramma6i e2uqe5iai 25wsin, e2uq4ugrammo@ kale5itai 3h gwn4ia. ^+^ ##10##-i41 34Otan d6e e2uqe5ia 2ep' e2uqe5ian staqe5isa t6a@ 2efec5h@ gwn4ia@ 24isa@ 2all4hlai@ poi5hj, 2orq6h 3ekat4era t5wn 24iswn gwni5wn 2esti, ka6i 3h 2efesthku5ia e . . .
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####***V####-^V2^-^P1^-----<0<ELEMENTS, BOOK V>0> ###DEFN###-----<0<DEFINITIONS, BOOK V>0> -----OROI ##1##-a41 M4ero@ 2est6i m4egeqo@ meg4eqou@ t6o 24elasson to5u me4izono@, 34otan katametr5hj t6o me5izon. ##2##-b41 Pollapl4asion d6e t6o me5izon to5u 2el4attono@, 34otan katametr5htai 3up6o to5u 2el4attono@. ##3##-g41 L4ogo@ 2est6i d4uo megeq5wn 3omogen5wn 3h kat6a phlik4otht4a poia sx4esi@. ##4##-d41 L4ogon 24exein pr6o@ 24allhla meg4eqh l4egetai, 36a d4unatai pollaplasiaz4omena 2all4hlwn 3uper4exein. ##5##-e41 2En t5wj a2ut5wj l4ogwj meg4eqh l4egetai e25inai pr5wton pr6o@ de4uteron ka6i tr4iton pr6o@ t4etarton, 34otan t6a to5u pr4wtou ka6i tr4itou 2is4aki@ pollapl4asia t5wn to5u deut4erou ka6i tet4artou 2is4aki@ pollaplas4iwn kaq' 3opoiono5un pollaplasiasm6on 3ek4ateron 3ekat4erou 26h 34ama 3uper4exhj 26h 34ama 24isa 25hj 26h 34ama 2elle4iphj lhfq4enta kat4allhla. ^+^ ##6##-@t41 T6a d6e t6on a2ut6on 24exonta l4ogon meg4eqh 2an4alogon kale4isqw. ##7##-z41 34Otan d6e t5wn 2is4aki@ polla . . .
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####***X####-^V3^-^P1^-^L1^-----<0<BOOK X>0> ###DEF1###-----<0<DEFINITIONS, FIRST>0> -----34Oroi ##1##-a41 S4ummetra meg4eqh l4egetai t6a t5wj a2ut5wj m4etrwj metro4umena, 2as4ummetra d4e, 35wn mhd6en 2end4exetai koin6on m4etron gen4esqai. ##2##-b41 E2uqe5iai dun4amei s4ummetro4i e2isin, 34otan t6a 2ap' a2ut5wn tetr4agwna t5wj a2ut5wj xwr4iwj metr5htai, 2as4ummetroi d4e, 34otan to5i@ 2ap' a2ut5wn tetrag4wnoi@ mhd6en 2end4exhtai xwr4ion koin6on m4etron gen4esqai. ##3##-g41 To4utwn 3upokeim4enwn de4iknutai, 34oti t5hj proteqe4ishj e2uqe4iaj 3up4arxousin e2uqe5iai pl4hqei 24apeiroi s4ummetro4i te ka6i 2as4ummetroi a3i m6en m4hkei m4onon, a3i d6e ka6i dun4amei. kale4isqw o25un 3h m6en proteqe5isa e2uqe5ia 3rht4h, ka6i a3i ta4uthj s4ummetroi e24ite m4hkei ka6i dun4amei e24ite dun4amei m4onon 3rhta4i, a3i d6e ta4uthj 2as4ummetroi 24alogoi kale4isqwsan. ##4##-d41 Ka6i t6o m6en 2ap6o t5h@ proteqe4ish@ e2uqe4ia@ tetr4agwnon ^+^ 3rht4on, ka6i t6a to4utwj s4ummetra 3rht4a, t6a d6e to4utwj 2as4u . . .
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- euctextvol4-0240.txt
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####**XI####-^V4^-^P1^-^L1^-----<0<BOOK 11>0> ###DEFN###-----<0<DEFINITIONS>0> -----OROI ##1##-a41 Stere4on 2esti t6o m5hko@ ka6i pl4ato@ ka6i b4aqo@ 24exon. ##2##-b41 Stereo5u d6e p4era@ 2epif4aneia. ##3##-g41 E2uqe5ia pr6o@ 2ep4ipedon 2orq4h 2estin, 34otan pr6o@ p4asa@ t6a@ 3aptom4ena@ a2ut5h@ e2uqe4ia@ ka6i o24usa@ 2en t5wj <2<3upokeim4enwj>2> 2epip4edwj 2orq6a@ poi5hj gwn4ia@. ##4##-d41 2Ep4ipedon pr6o@ 2ep4ipedon 2orq4on 2estin, 34otan a3i t5hj koin5hj tom5hj t5wn 2epip4edwn pr6o@ 2orq6a@ 2ag4omenai e2uqe5iai 2en 3en6i t5wn 2epip4edwn t5wj loip5wj 2epip4edwj pr6o@ 2orq6a@ 25wsin. ##5##-e41 E2uqe4ia@ pr6o@ 2ep4ipedon kl4isi@ 2est4in, 34otan 2ap6o to5u mete4wrou p4erato@ t5h@ e2uqe4ia@ 2ep6i t6o 2ep4ipedon k4aqeto@ 2axq5hj, ka6i 2ap6o to5u genom4enou shme4iou 2ep6i t6o 2en t5wj 2epip4edwj p4era@ t5h@ e2uqe4ia@ e2uqe5ia 2epizeuxq5hj, 3h periexom4enh gwn4ia 3up6o t5h@ 2axqe4ish@ ka6i t5h@ 2efest4wsh@. ##6##-@t41 2Epip4edou pr6o@ 2ep4ipedon kl4isi@ 2est6in 3h periexom4enh 2oce5ia gwn4i . . .