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- Name
- aristarcsizesi-0225.txt
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####ARTR####-^V10^-^P352^-^B2^-^I0^-<0<ARISTARCHUS, SIZES & DISTANCES>0> ###10### ##1##-a41 T6hn sel4hnhn par6a to5u 3hl4iou t6o f5w@ lamb4anein. ##2##-b41 T6hn g5hn shme4iou te ka6i k4entrou l4ogon 24exein pr6o@ t6hn t5h@ sel4hnh@ sfa5iran. ##3##-g41 34Otan 3h sel4hnh dix4otomo@ 3hm5in fa4inetai, ne4uein e2i@ t6hn 3hmet4eran 24oyin t6on dior4izonta t4o te skier6on ka6i t6o lampr6on t5h@ sel4hnh@ m4egiston k4uklon. ##4##-d41 34Otan 3h sel4hnh dix4otomo@ 3hm5in fa4inetai, t4ote a2ut6hn 2ap4exein to5u 3hl4iou 24elasson tetarthmor4iou t5wj to5u tetarthmor4iou triakost5wj. ##5##-e41 T6o t5h@ ski5a@ pl4ato@ selhn5wn e25inai d4uo. ##6##-^@^41 T6hn sel4hnhn 3upote4inein 3up6o pentekaid4ekaton m4ero@ zwjd4iou. -2Epilog4izetai o25un t6o to5u 3hl4iou 2ap4osthma 2ap6o t5h@ g5h@ to5u t5h@ sel4hnh@ 2apost4hmato@ me5izon m6en 26h 2oktwkaidekapl4asion, 24elasson d6e 26h e2ikosapl4asion, di6a t5h@ per6i t6hn dixotom4ian 3upoq4esew@: t6on ^+^ a2ut6on d6e l4ogon 24exein t6hn to5u 3hl4i . . .