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- Name
- bodhali-0170.txt
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****'HMTITLE' .c1244.jcs.bodley.hali on arts01 <f.52> Epistel of meiden-had meidene frouRe.!. ****'BODHALI' <f.52v> #Avdi filia & uide & inclina aurem tuam.. &! obliuiscere pop:u:l:u:m. tuum.. & domu:m: pat:ri:s tui.!. Daui] =e psalm-w2uhte speke]. i//=e sawter to--!wart godes spuse.. =t is euch meiden =t haue]. mei--!i] =eawes.. & sei].. Iher me dohter.. bihald & bei! =in eare.. & fo2-[et ti folc & tines feader hus.!. Nim [eme hwet euch wo2] beo. sunderliche! to seggen.. Iher me dohter he sei].. doht:er: he!. cleope] hire.. fo2-=i =t ha understonde.. =t he hire! luueliche liues. luue leare].. as feader ah his! doht:er:.. 8nt heo hi9m as hire feader.. =e. bli=eluker! lustin.. Iher me deo2e doht:er:.. =t is [eo2nne lustne!. me wi] earen of =in heauet.. 8nt bihald.. =t iS.!. opene to. understonde me, =e ehnen.. of =in heo2--!te.. 8nt bei =in eare.. =t iS.. beo buhsum to mi! lare.. 8nt hwet iS nu =iS lare.. =t tu nimest. se! deopliche.. & learst me se "[eone"?.. . . .
- Name
- bodkath-0170.txt
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- 47.24 KB
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****'BKTITLE' title <f.1> (I) =es feaderes ant (i =e)s Sunes. & i//=e almih(ti) title (g)astes nome. (Her beginne)] =e Martyrdo:m: of s:an:ct:e: K(aterine) ****'BODKATH' #Costentin ant Maxence were on a//time as i keisereS stude hehest i//rome. ah costentin ferde =urh =e burh--!menne read into franclonde ant wunede su9mme hwi--!le =ear fo2 =e burhes neode. ant Maxence steo2ede =e ref--!schipe i//rome. weox umbe hwile wread]e ham bitweone:n: ant comen to fehte. weS Maxence ouercumen ant fleah inte alixandre. Costentin walde efter ant warpen him =e--!onne. ah se wide hi9m weox we'o'rre on euche halue ant no--!meliche in a//lont ylirie hatte =t (tear) he etstutte =a maxe:n:--!ce iherde =is =t he wes of hi9m siker ant of his cunne car--!les, war king of =t lont =e lei into rome as duden meast alle =e o]re of//=e weo2lde. Bigen anan ase wed wulf to we--!o2rin hali chirche ant dreaien cristenemen =e lut =t ter weren alle to hea]endo9m hea]ene as he wes su:m:me =urh mu--!chele [eouen . . .
- Name
- bodmarg-0170.txt
- Size
- 46.65 KB
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.* DSN=C1244.NEW.BOD.MARG .* TIME DATE ID LINES .* 12:01:21 02/03/76 (76.034) SAM 899.000 .* 12:08:12 02/03/76 (76.034) SAM 899.000 .* 13:57:25 02/03/76 (76.034) SAM 899.000 .* $$$$ ****'BMTITLE' <f.18> #I//+e feaderes & i =es suneS & i//=es hali gaste5 nome her biginned =e liflade & te pas--!siun of seinte margarete. ****'B MARG02' #Efter ure lau:er:des pine & his passiun & his dea] o! rode & his ariste of dea]. ant efter his up-astih--!unge as he ste'a'h to heouene weren monie martyrs! wepme ba & wu:m:men to//dea]es misliche idon fo2 =e name of drihtin & as icudde kempen ou:er:comen & a--!keasten hare =reo cunne uan. =e ueont & teos wake! wo2lt ant hare licomes lustes. ant wenden of =eos weanen to weole & to eche wu:n:ne icrunet to c:ri:ste.! #+e-[et were:n: monie ma =ene nu beon mis-bileuede <f.18v> men. =e heheden & hereden he=ene maumez of! stanes & of stockes wrecches iwrahte. Ah ich an go--!des =e'o . . .
- Name
- doc-0170.txt
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- 4.2 KB
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I have determined that Dr. Harry Logan is not quite correct in his assesment of what texts are in your collection (see his README file). The following is a list of the texts as I have stored them on tape, AND an amendment of Logan's original readme file - should you wish to amend your records of what this stuff is. (I may at some point change my cataloguing again - the 'Katherine group' I don't believe to be a bona fide bibliographic entity): ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Katherine group (mss) Hali maidenhead. Bodley 34, ff 52-71v. - full text BN0483/UTM005 19 BODLEY.34.FF52 FB(27000,90) Martyrdom of S. Katerin. Bodley 34, ff 1-18. - full text BN0483/UTM005 20 BODLEY.34.FF1 FB(24000,80) Life of S. Margarete. Bodley 34, ff 18-36v. - full text BN0483/UTM005 21 BODLEY.34.FF18 FB(24000,80) Life of S. Juliana. Royal 17 A xxvii ff 56-70. - full text BN0483/UTM005 15 ROY.17A27.JULI FB(25500,8 . . .
- Name
- readme-0170.txt
- Size
- 1.97 KB
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MSS in the Katherine Group MRTNO 170 -------------------------- --------- These texts were transcribed from the following manuscripts ROYJULI Life of St. Juliana (Royal MS) BODHALI Holy Maidenhead (Bodley MS) BODKATH Martyrdom of St. Katherine (Bodley MS) BODJULI Life and Passion of St. Juliana (Bodley MS) ROYMARG Life of St. Margaret (Royal MS) by Dr Harry Logan Department of English University of Waterloo Canada They were deposited with the Oxford Text Archive in 1977, and have not been changed since that date. No use should be made of these texts without informing Dr Logan at the above address, as work is still proceeding on editing these texts. The following information on encoding was supplied by Dr Logan. It has not been checked. Character Code Used ------------------- l.c. U.C. thorn = + eth . . .
- Name
- royjuli-0170.txt
- Size
- 34.8 KB
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.* DSN=C1244.ROYAL.JULI .* TIME DATE ID LINES .* 14:30:16 03/22/76 (76.082) MJF 635.000 .* 16:27:49 03/23/76 (76.083) MJF 635.000 .* 14:16:42 03/24/76 (76.084) MJF 635.000 .* 16:25:39 03/25/76 (76.085) MJF 635.000 .* 13:39:08 03/26/76 (76.086) MJF 635.000 .* $$$$ /f.56/ *T Her cumse] =e uie of seinte iuliane. ant telle] of *T liflade hire. #IN ure lauerdeS luue =e iS feader of frumscha--!ft ant on//hiS deo2ewur]e suneS nome. ant o =eS hali gasteS. =t glide] of ham ba]en. alle lewede men. =t understonden ne mahen latineS ledene. li]in. &//lustnin ane meideneS liflade. =t iS of latin iturnd into englisch. =t//te lif hali lefdi. in//heouene luuie uS =e mare. ant of =iS lihinde lif, leade uS wi] hire ern--!dunge. =e iS ico2en of crist in-to, =e eche of heouene. #+eos meiden. ant tiS martir. wes iuliane ine:m:p--!net. in//nichomedes burh. & of he]ene cun icume:n:. ant hire flesc . . .
- Name
- roykath-0170.txt
- Size
- 56.55 KB
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****RKat #Constantin. ant Maxence weren on ane time as in keiseres stude hehest i//rome. ah constantin ferde =urh =e burhme:n:-- ne read into fronc-londe. ant wunede summe hwile5 =er fo2 =e burhe5 neode. ant Maxence sto2ede =e refschipe in rome. weox umbehwile5 wre]]e him bitweonen. ant comen to =e fehte. =e5 maxence weS ouercumen. ant fleh into ali_-xaundre. Constantin walde efter. ant warpen him =eonne. ah so wide him weox weo2re on euch halue. ant nomeliche in an lond yrie hat_-te. =t ter he etstutte. +a Maxence iherde =i5, =t he we5 of him siker. ant of hi5 cume karle5. war] king of =at lond =t lei into rome. as duden meast alle =e o]ere of =e wo2ld. bigon anan as wed//wulf to weo2rin hali chirche. ant dreie:n: cristene men =e lut =t ter weren alle to he]ene_-dom he]ene as he wes. Summe =urh muchele [eoue ant misliche meden. Summe =:urh: farlac of hi5 fule =reates. O//least wi] stronge tintreo ant licomliche pinen #I//#+e fif & =rittu]e [er of his rixlunge he set o . . .
- Name
- roymarg-0170.txt
- Size
- 47.85 KB
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.* DSN=C1244.ROYAL.MARGARET .* TIME DATE ID LINES .* 15:54:49 10/20/76 (76.294) PAT 138.000 .* 11:50:16 10/21/76 (76.295) PAT 138.000 .* 16:08:52 10/21/76 (76.295) PAT 138.000 .* 16:18:48 11/01/76 (76.306) PAT 138.000 .* 10:32:18 11/02/76 (76.307) PAT 887.000 .* 11:53:17 11/02/76 (76.307) PAT 887.000 .* 14:41:33 11/02/76 (76.307) PAT 887.000 .* 10:21:01 11/03/76 (76.308) PAT 887.000 .* 11:54:56 11/03/76 (76.308) PAT 887.000 .* 11:51:57 11/04/76 (76.309) PAT 887.000 .* 15:24:10 11/16/76 (76.321) PAT 887.000 .* 11:48:11 11/17/76 (76.322) PAT 887.000 .* 15:02:58 11/17/76 (76.322) PAT 887.000 .* 15:06:53 11/23/76 (76.328) PAT 887.000 .* 11:35:20 11/26/76 (76.331) PAT 887.000 .* 15:40:10 11/29/76 (76.334) PAT 887.000 .* 11:43:23 12/02/76 (76.337) PAT 887.00 . . .
- Name
- royward-0170.txt
- Size
- 25.76 KB
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- Text file
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****'RSW' <f.1> %#Si//sciret paterfamilias qua o2a fur uenturu5 ! esset, uigilaret% %utiq:ue: & //non//si-neret p:er:fodi ! domum suam.% #Vre lauerd i =e godspel tea--!che] us =urh a bisne. hu we ahen wearliche. bi-twiten ! u5 seoluen. wi] =e unwiht of helle. ant wi] hi5 wre:n:--!ches. [ef =e husebonde wiste he sei] hwenne & i//hwuch ! time. =e =eof walde to his hus. he walde wakien. & ! nalde he nawt =olien =e =eof fo2 to breoken hire. ! #+is//hus =e ure lauerd speke] of. iS//seolf =e mon. ! in-wi] =e monne5 wit i//=i5 i5 =e huselauerd. & ! te fulitohe wif mei beo wil ihaten. =t ga =t hu5 eft:er: ! hire, ha diht hit al//to wundre. bute 'wit' as lau:er:d chasti--!e hire =e betere. ant bineome hire ofte of =t ha wal--!de. ant//tah walde al =t hird folhen hire oueral. [ef ! wit ne fo2bude ham. fo2 alle ha beo] untohene. ant ! rechelese hinen bute:n: [ef he ham rihte. ant beo] ! =eo5 hinen? Summe beo] wi]-ute. ant summe wi]--!innen. =eo5 wi]-uten beod. =e monne5 fif witte5. sih] . . .