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Computer-usable version of an English wordlist with inflected forms, phonetic transcriptions, definitions and citations : [Expanded]

dc.contributor Mitton, Roger, 1946- Department of Computer Science Birkbeck College London London
dc.contributor.editor Roger Mitton (editor of electronic edition)
dc.coverage.placeName London 2018-07-27 2022-08-21T15:59:41Z 2022-08-21T15:59:41Z 1985 1985-11-05
dc.identifier ota:0154
dc.description.abstract Mitton, Roger, 1946-. “A description of the file OALD.DAT”. -- 1985-11-05. -- [14]pp. typescript (photocopy) and alphabet lists in OTA records
dc.format.extent Text data (3 files : ca. 6,326, 44, 4 KB)
dc.format.medium Digital bitstream
dc.language English
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher University of Oxford
dc.relation.ispartof Oxford Text Archive Legacy Collection
dc.rights Use of this resource is restricted in some manner. Usually this means that it is available for non-commercial use only with prior permission of the depositor and on condition that this header is included in its entirety with any copy distributed.
dc.rights.label ACA
dc.subject.lcsh English language -- Dictionaries
dc.subject.other Dictionaries
dc.title Computer-usable version of an English wordlist with inflected forms, phonetic transcriptions, definitions and citations : [Expanded]
dc.type Text
hidden hidden
has.files yes
branding Oxford Text Archive
files.size 6520944
files.count 2 1900-1999

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�A�1, a �/eI/ �n (pl �A's, a's �/eIz/�) �the first letter of the
English alphabet: �He knows the subject from A to Z, �knows it thoroughly. �A1
�/*eI �wAn/ �(a) �(of ships) classified as first class. �� Lloyd's. �(b)
�(colloq) excellent: �an A1 dinner; feeling A1, �in excellent health.�
�a�2 �/E �strong form: �eI/, �an �/En �strong form: �an/ �indef art �1 �one: �I
said �ڳa train was coming, not �ڳthe train. �I have a pen (pl some pens).
Have you a pen (pl any pens)? �Cf �some, any, several, a few �with �pl
nn. �2 �(used in the pattern �a + �adj �or �pron �of number and quantity): �a
lot of money; a great many friends; a few books; a little more. �3 �(with
possessives): �a friend of my father's, �one of my father's friends; �a book of
John's, �one of John's books. �4 �(used in the pattern �many/such/what +
a�): �Many a man would be glad of the opportunity/such an opportunity. What an
opportunity you missed! �5 �(used in the pattern �half + a + �n�): �half a
dozen; half an hour; �(befor . . .
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A Description of the file OALD.DAT

Roger Mitton,
Department of Computer Science,
Birkbeck College,
Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HX

18 July 1985

     The file OALD.DAT is a cleaned-up and slightly modified
version  of the machine-readable form of the Oxford Advanced
Learner's Dictionary, published  by  the  Oxford  University
Press,  Third edition, 1974.  This document explains, first,
how OALD.DAT differs from the original, and  then  describes
the  character codes and general format of the file, for the
benefit of anyone wishing to use it.

     I obtained a tape of the  OALD  from  the  Oxford  Text
Archive.   This  tape  is  one of many that are available to
researchers  at  a  small  charge.   It  is  listed  in  the
catalogue  as  being  in  category U;  'copies of U category
texts are freely available outside  Oxford  subject  to  the
conditions  specified on the User Declaration Form.' The one
I got is a copy of the one  used  originally  to  drive  the
typesetter  that  pro . . .

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