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- Name
- fq1-0144.txt
- Size
- 321.66 KB
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|* THE FAERIE |* QVEENE. |* \Disposed into twelue bookes,\ |* \Fashioning\ |* XII. Morall vertues. |* LONDON |* Printed for VVilliam Ponsonbie. |* 1596. 1. D. .1 | TO 1. D. .2 | THE MOST HIGH, 1. D. .3 | MIGHTIE 1. D. .4 | And 1. D. .5 | MAGNIFICENT 1. D. .6 | EMPRESSE RENOVVMED 1. D. .7 | FOR PIETIE, VERTVE, 1. D. .8 | AND ALL GRATIOVS 1. D. .9 | GOVERNMENT ELIZABETH BY 1. D. .10| THE GRACE OF GOD QVEENE 1. D. .11| OF ENGLAND FRAVNCE AND 1. D. .12| IRELAND AND OF VIRGINIA, 1. D. .13| DEFENDOVR OF THE 1. D. .14| FAITH, &c. HER MOST 1. D. .15| HVMBLE SERVAVNT 1. D. .16| EDMVND SPENSER 1. D. .17| DOTH IN ALL HVMILITIE 1. D. .18| DEDICATE, 1. D. .19| PRESENT 1. D. .21| AND CONSECRATE THESE 1. D. .22| HIS LABOVRS TO LIVE 1. D. .23| VVITH THE ETERNITIE 1. D. .24| OF HER 1. D . . .
- Name
- fq2-0144.txt
- Size
- 353.94 KB
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2. t. .1 | THE SECOND 2. t. .2 | BOOKE OF THE 2. t. .3 | FAERIE QVEENE. 2. t. .4 | Contayning, 2. t. .5 | THE LEGEND OF SIR GVYON. 2. t. .6 | OR 2. t. .7 | \Of Temperaunce\. 2. p. 1.1 | Right well I wote most mighty Soueraine, 2. p. 1.2 | That all this famous antique history, 2. p. 1.3 | Of some th'=aboundance of an idle braine 2. p. 1.4 | Will iudged be, and painted forgery, 2. p. 1.5 | Rather then matter of iust memory, 2. p. 1.6 | Sith none, that breatheth liuing aire, does know, 2. p. 1.7 | Where is that happy land of Faery, 2. p. 1.8 | Which I so much do vaunt, yet no where show, 2. p. 1.9 | But vouch antiquities, which no body can know. 2. p. 2.1 | But let that man with better sence aduize, 2. p. 2.2 | That of the world least part to vs is red: 2. p. 2.3 | And dayly how through hardy enterprize, 2. p. 2.4 | Many great Regions are discouered, 2. p. 2.5 | Which to late age were neuer mentioned. 2. p. 2.6 | Who euer heard of t . . .
- Name
- fq3-0144.txt
- Size
- 351.44 KB
- Format
- Text file
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- Version of the work in plain text format
3. t. .1 | T H E T H I R D 3. t. .2 | BOOKE OF THE 3. t. .3 | FAERIE QVEENE. 3. t. .4 | Contayning, 3. t. .5 | THE LEGEND OF BRITOMARTIS. 3. t. .6 | OR 3. t. .7 | \Of Chastitie\. 3. p. 1.1 | It falls me here to write of Chastity, 3. p. 1.2 | That fairest vertue, farre aboue the rest; 3. p. 1.3 | For which what needs me fetch from \Faery\ 3. p. 1.4 | Forreine ensamples, it to haue exprest? 3. p. 1.5 | Sith it is shrined in my Soueraines brest, 3. p. 1.6 | And form'd so liuely in each perfect part, 3. p. 1.7 | That to all Ladies, which haue it profest, 3. p. 1.8 | Need but behold the pourtraict of her hart, 3. p. 1.9 | If pourtrayd it might be by any liuing art. 3. p. 2.1 | But liuing art may not least part expresse, 3. p. 2.2 | Nor life-resembling pencill it can paint, 3. p. 2.3 | All were it \Zeuxis\ or \Praxiteles:\ 3. p. 2.4 | His da+edale hand would faile, and greatly faint, 3. p. 2.5 | And her perfections with his error t . . .
- Name
- fq4-0144.txt
- Size
- 311.62 KB
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4. t. .1 | THE FOVRTH 4. t. .2 | BOOKE OF THE 4. t. .3 | FAERIE QVEENE. 4. t. .4 | \Containing\ 4. t. .5 | The Legend of CAMBEL AND TELAMOND, 4. t. .6 | OR 4. t. .7 | OF FRIENDSHIP. 4. p. 1.1 | The rugged forhead that with graue foresight 4. p. 1.2 | Welds kingdomes causes, and affaires of state, 4. p. 1.3 | My looser rimes (I wote) doth sharply wite, 4. p. 1.4 | For praising loue, as I haue done of late, 4. p. 1.5 | And magnifying louers deare debate; 4. p. 1.6 | By which fraile youth is oft to follie led, 4. p. 1.7 | Through false allurement of that pleasing baite, 4. p. 1.8 | That better were in vertues discipled, 4. p. 1.9 | Then with vaine poemes weeds to haue their fancies fed. 4. p. 2.1 | Such ones ill iudge of loue, that cannot loue, 4. p. 2.2 | Ne in their frosen hearts feele kindly flame: 4. p. 2.3 | For thy they ought not thing vnknowne reproue, 4. p. 2.4 | Ne naturall affection faultlesse blame, 4. p. 2.5 | F . . .
- Name
- fq5-0144.txt
- Size
- 297.17 KB
- Format
- Text file
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- Version of the work in plain text format
5. t. .1 | THE FIFTH 5. t. .2 | BOOKE OF THE 5. t. .3 | FAERIE QVEENE. 5. t. .4 | \Contayning\, 5. t. .5 | THE LEGEND OF ARTEGALL 5. t. .6 | \OR\ 5. t. .7 | OF IVSTICE. 5. p. 1.1 | So oft as I with state of present time, 5. p. 1.2 | The image of the antique world compare, 5. p. 1.3 | When as mans age was in his freshest prime, 5. p. 1.4 | And the first blossome of faire vertue bare, 5. p. 1.5 | Such oddes I finde twixt those, and these which are, 5. p. 1.6 | As that, through long continuance of his course, 5. p. 1.7 | Me seemes the world is runne quite out of square, 5. p. 1.8 | From the first point of his appointed sourse, 5. p. 1.9 | And being once amisse growes daily wourse and wourse. 5. p. 2.1 | For from the golden age, that first was named, 5. p. 2.2 | It='s now at earst become a stonie one; 5. p. 2.3 | And men themselues, the which at first were framed 5. p. 2.4 | Of earthly mould, and form'd of flesh and bone, 5. p. 2 . . .
- Name
- fq6-0144.txt
- Size
- 289.14 KB
- Format
- Text file
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- Version of the work in plain text format
6. t. .1 | THE SIXTE 6. t. .2 | BOOKE OF THE 6. t. .3 | FAERIE QVEENE. 6. t. .4 | \Contayning\ 6. t. .5 | THE LEGEND OF S. CALIDORE 6. t. .6 | \OR\ 6. t. .7 | OF COVRTESIE. 6. p. 1.1 | The waies, through which my weary steps I guyde, 6. p. 1.2 | In this delightfull land of Faery, 6. p. 1.3 | Are so exceeding spacious and wyde, 6. p. 1.4 | And sprinckled with such sweet variety, 6. p. 1.5 | Of all that pleasant is to eare or eye, 6. p. 1.6 | That I nigh rauisht with rare thoughts delight, 6. p. 1.7 | My tedious trauell doe forget thereby; 6. p. 1.8 | And when I gin to feele decay of might, 6. p. 1.9 | It strength to me supplies, and chears my dulled spright. 6. p. 2.1 | Such secret comfort, and such heauenly pleasures, 6. p. 2.2 | Ye sacred imps, that on \Parnasso\ dwell, 6. p. 2.3 | And there the keeping haue of learnings threasures, 6. p. 2.4 | Which doe all worldly riches farre excell, 6. p. 2.5 | Into the mindes of mortall men doe well, . . .
- Name
- fq7-0144.txt
- Size
- 60.92 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
7. t. .1 | TWO CANTOS 7. t. .2 | OF 7. t. .3 | \MVTABILITIE:\ 7. t. .4 | Which, both for Forme and Matter, appeare 7. t. .5 | to be parcell of some following Booke of the 7. t. .6 | \FAERIE QVEENE,\ 7. t. .7 | VNDER THE LEGEND 7. t. .8 | OF 7. t. .9 | \Constancie.\ 7. t. .10 | Neuer before imprinted. 7. 6. A.1 | \Proud\ Change \(not pleasd, in mortall things,\ 7. 6. A.2 | \beneath the Moone, to raigne)\ 7. 6. A.3 | \Pretends, as well of Gods, as Men,\ 7. 6. A.4 | \to be the Soueraine.\ 7. 6. 1.1 | What man that sees the euer-whirling wheele 7. 6. 1.2 | Of \Change\, the which all mortall things doth sway, 7. 6. 1.3 | But that therby doth find, and plainly feele, 7. 6. 1.4 | How \MVTABILITY\ in them doth play 7. 6. 1.5 | Her cruell sports, to many mens decay? 7. 6. 1.6 | Which that to all may better yet appeare, 7. 6. 1.7 | I will rehearse that whylome I heard say, 7. 6. 1.8 | How she at first her selfe began to reare, 7. 6. 1.9 | Gainst all the Gods, and th . . .