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<T Tit><L 1><Y M><P A3><C >
*<D {Enter the} Tribunes {and} Senatours {aloft: And then enter} 
*Saturninus {and his followers at one dore, and} Bassianus {and} 
 {his followers, with Drums and Trumpets}.> 
 <S {Saturninus}.> 
 Noble {Patricians}, Patrons of my Right, 
 Defend the iustice of my cause with armes. 
 And Countrimen my louing followers, 
 Plead my successiue Title with your swords: 
 I am his first borne sonne, that was the last 
 That ware the Imperiall Diademe of Rome, 
 Then let my Fathers honours liue in me, 
 Nor wrong mine age with this indignitie, 
 <S {Bassianus}.> 
 Romaines, friends, followers, fauourers of my Right, 
 If euer {Bassianus Ceasars} sonne, 
 Were gratious in the eyes of Royall Rome, 
 Keepe then this passage to the Capitoll, 
 And suffer not dishonour to approch, 
 The Imperiall seate to vertue, consecrate 
<P A3v>
 To iustice, continence, and Nobillitie: 
 But let desert in pure election shine, 
 And Romaines fight for freedome in your choice. 
 <D { . . .