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We all remember that time .  It was no different                     003
for me than for others .  Yet we do tell each other over and over
again the particularities of the events we shared , and the repetition ,
the listening , is as if we are saying , " It was like that for
you , too ?  Then that confirms it , yes , it was so , it must have
been , I wasn't imagining things . "  We match or dispute like people
who have seen remarkable creatures on a journey : " Did you
see that big blue fish ?  Oh , the one you saw was yellow ] "  But
the sea we travelled over was the same , the protracted period
of unease and tension before the end was the same for everybody ,
everywhere ; in the smaller units of our cities -- streets , a
cluster of tall blocks of flats , a hotel -- as in cities , nations , a
continent . . . .  Yes , I agree that this is pretty highflown imagery
considering the nature of the events in question : bizarre fish ,
oceans , and so forth .  But perhaps it wouldn't be o . . .