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<T TEXT><L 1>
mam  pa2r.13  striuing further then his sleeue would stretch
mam  pa2r.30  cooling carde to a rash wit
mam  pa2r.31  speedie spurre to a willing minde
mam  pa2v.01  bold as blind Bayard
mam  pa2v.12  wishes are of no value
mam  pa2v.17  worth the wetting
mam  pa3r.09  a flat confession should haue a plaine pardon
mam  pa3r.22  no chaffer so charie, but some will cheape
mam  pa3r.23  no ware so bad, but some will buy
mam  pa3r.25  so many heades, so many wittes
mam  na4r.10  set out the flagge of defiaunce
mam  na4v.09  two bodyes and one soule
mam  na4v.16  founded on the rocke of vertue
mam  aa4v.19  the Towe cannot touch the fire, but it must burne
mam  aa4v.20  the Iuie [cannot] claspe the Tree, vnlesse it sucke +
out the sappe
mam  aa4v.21  the greene wood cannot touch the coales, but it must flame
mam  aa4v.22  the Uine branch [cannot] embrace the tender twig, but +
it must consume it
mam  aa4v.27  they seeke others, where they haue beene hidde them selues
mam  aa4v. . . .