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at london in englonde no3t fulle longe tyme
 sythen crist suffride on crosse and cristendome stablyde
 ther was a byschop in that burghe blessyd and sacryd
 saynt erkenwolde as i hope that holy mon hatte
 in his tyme in that ton the temple aldergrattyst
 was drawen don that one dole to dedifie new
 for hit hethen had bene in hengyst dawes
 that the saxones vnsa3t haden sende hyder
 thai bete oute the bretons and bro3t hom into wales
 and peruertyd alle the pepul that in that place dwellide
 then wos this reame renaide mony ronke 3eres
 til saynt austyn into sandewiche was sende fro the pope
 then prechyd he here the pure faythe and plantyd the trouthe
 and conuertyd alle the communnates to cristendame newe
 he turnyd temples that tyme that temyd to the deuelle
 and clansyd hom in cristes nome and kyrkes hom callid
 he hurlyd owt hor ydols and hade hym in sayntes
 and chaungit cheuely hor nomes and chargit hom better
 that ere was of appolyn is now of saynt petre
 mahon to saynt margre . . .