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<V    Negative Love>
I never stoop'd so low, as they
Which on an eye, cheeke, lip, can prey,
Seldome to them, which soare no higher
Then vertue or the minde to' admire,
For sense, and understanding may
Know, what gives fuell to their fire:
My love, though silly, is more brave,
For may I misse, when ere I crave,
If I know yet, what I would have.
<V    The Undertaking>
I have done one braver thing
Then all the Worthies        ________ did,
Yet a braver thence doth spring,
Which is, to keepe that hid.
<V    Image and Dream>
Image of her whom I love, more then she,
Whose faire impression in my faithfull heart,
Makes mee her Medall, and makes her love mee,
As Kings do coynes, to which their stamps impart
The value:  goe, and take my heart from hence,
Which now is growne too great and good for me:
Honours oppresse weake spirits, and our sense
Strong objects dull; the more, the lesse wee see.
<V    The Exstasie>
Where, like a pillow on a bed,
A Pregnant banke swel'd up, to rest
The violets re . . .