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 (cursor:::) In heuin on heie than sale I scawe,
 And signis dune on  erthe lawe.
 He tald thaim mani takins s<e>re,
 THat es na nede alle rekin here.
 =Mi brethir,= he saide, =ful wel mai I
 Of the p<ro>phete gin telle, daui,
 He wiste that gode til hi<m> hauid suor<n>
 THat ane suld of his sede be borne
 To site in setlis that was his;
 Bot he that sag(h) on ferru<m> this
 Of his uprise he said, =i<n> helle
 Na suld nog(h)t criste be lefte to duel,
 Na neu<ir> of rote his fleis haue sig(h)te,
 Bot raisid es he with st<re>nthe of d<ri>g(h)te.=
 Fra dede to liue nu risin es he,
 And tharof  witnes al ar we,
 Raisid sua with godis mig(h)te,
 And sik<ir>id of his fad<ir>is hig(h)te.
 Of hali gaste the giftis sere
 Giuin us hauis he als gie se here,
 Til heuin he steich, that was wel sen;
 And I saie to giu folc bine,
 THis ih<es>u is mi lau<er>d d<ri>g(h)te,
 Gie dide on rode withouti<n> rig(h)te.=
 THis wordis [herd], thair h<er>tis gan t<ur>ne,
 Alsua for thaire misdedis . . .