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BULL15853 William Bu}llokar too the] Raedo.r^.

After that I h^ad
w}r^owht the Amend|]m.ent of Or^t<o>graphy

for^ e^nglish, and m}a^d a] grammar
for^ the sa^m] spe^ch
in so}m raezn^^] or^der
(az I t}howht) ac|]cor^ too my pu}rpoz

long|#be^fo^r^ conc^eiu^e.d with my|self^, I b}e^gan
t}oo pu}blish the sa^m in the c^ity of Lo}ndon,
ma^ my first shew in the mo^st|#pu}blik
pla^c^es^ thaer|of, the eihtt.h} day of Au}gu}st
1580 by im|pr^ o^n pa^g^ or^ sy^d of hal^f^
a she^t of paper, hau^ in it for^ty letterz^ or^
figurz^ with their. capital^z^ or^ paierz^, the diu^i|]s}ion
of v^o}welz^ and hal^f^|#v^o}welz^, with a ta^bl^ the na^mz^ of tho^z letterz^.   And al^so
tho^z sa^m letterz^ and their. paierz^, with so}m
mater in sentenc^, wr^y^tn.^ in the Roman|, Ita|]lian|,
Chan^c^ery|, and Secretary|#hand, for^
exam^pl^ of the   aezi. vc^ of tru or^t<o>graphy bo^th
im|pr^inte.d and wr^y^tn.^.   In which shew the fi|]gurz^
or^ sha^ps^ of tho^z letter . . .
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 1PG William Bu}llokarz}^ Pamphlet] for^ Grammar:

 Or^ rather t}oo be^ saie.d hiz Abbr^eu^iat}i.on of hiz
 Grammar for^ E^nglish, extracte.d ou}t|#of hiz
 Grammar at|#la^rg^.   This be^ su}ffic^i.ent for^
 the spe^di. laern^ ho}w t}oo pa^rc^ E^nglish spe^ch
 for^ the perfecte.r wr^y^ thaer|of, and of
 the best phr^a^s}e^s^ thaer|in, and the aezi.e.r entr^^^
 intoo the secrets^ of Grammar for^ o}ther langa|]g^es^,
 and the spe^di.e.r v} of o}ther
 langag^es^ rule.d or^ not rule.d by Grammar:
 v^ery|#pr^^ for^ the E^nglish nat}ion that
 dezy^r^e}t}h t}oo laern^ any stran^g^ langag^: and v^e|]ry|#aid|fu}l
 too the stran^g^o.r^ t}oo laern^ e^nglish
 perfectl.y and spe^di.l.y: for^|#that E^nglish hat}h
 shor^t rul (thaer|for^ soon laern^e.d) hau^ su}f|]fic^i.ent
 rulz^ thaer|in t}oo ma^k the way mu}ch
 aezi.e.r for^ the laern^ of any o}ther langag^ v}n|]known.^
 be^fo^r^ too the laern^o.r^.   He^ h^ath al^so cau}z|]e}d . . .
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 4BL be^, c^e^, de^, ka,
 Co}m cal^ the crab ou}t|of the cre^k, t}oo cly^m the clif, t}oo cu}t the
 cu}rb, for^ crafti. clou}nz^ rei}ect co^l^d cau}zes^.
 exc^ept spy^c^es^ be^ su}ffy^c^i.entl.y saerc^e.d, it for^c^e}t}h ma^c^ t}oo be^
  of pr^y^c^ ingraet pe^c^es^.
 C^ic^ero rethorica singulo^z v^ic^it, corv^u}s non v^oc^e cucu}llu}m.
 the heu^n^l.y father se^ the^ t}oo be^ dis|obeid.ient in ert}h, deliu^ere}t}
 hthe^ intoo the hands^ of wicked pe^pl^, and intoo the fre^nd|les fe^ld, t}oo re
 |]g^eneratand rene^w the^, az he^ best ly^ke}t}h, t}oo be^ mo^st|#nec^essary for
 ^thy degre^, ge^u^ the^ hiz gra^c^, when he^ se^e}t}h ne^d.
 5BL Gep go}od|#man gilberd, wit}h y.ou}r. go^ldn.^ girdl^, y.e^ get no|]t}hing
 by y.ou}r. ga^, y.e^ for^get y.ou}r. graet
 A g^entl^ i.u}dg^ d}oot}h not reu^eng^ when a^g^e.d g^y^lz
 deg^enerate}t}h too the g^ibbet.
 g^eorg^iu}s g^igas et gilbertu}s g^eru}nt gladiu}m ad extinguendu}m gib|]bu}m
 g^erminantem in gula.
 I . . .